Here are some listings you might be interested in
Dog Breeders
Location - Adelaide, SA
We at Neringa have owned and exhibited this beautiful breed for some 14 years successfully, taking 4 RBTS to their title. . We have imported 2 dogs, 1 from Finland and 1 from Russia via the United States. Soundness and quality temperaments are imperative and we believe we have a good solid grounding in all the hallmarks of the Russian Black Terrier.
Puppies for Sale
Location - Mount Evelyn, VIC
I am excited to announce that that long awaited litter from my amazing bitch OGARAF ANYA with the new stunning and very handsome stud CH. TVORIMIR RAMBO owned by Svetlana Belousova (0422023049) has arrived sound and safe. There were 5 boys and 1 girl and were born on the 23/06/2024. Presently I have two wonderful young males who are still waiting for their forever families - they are nearly 21 weeks old. They have attended their vet appointment to have their microchip implant and have passed their physical examinations with flying colours. In addition, they have been fully vaccinated and and finally, they have been genetically tested. ( which is available to be viewed on request). All inquiries are welcomed.
Microchip Numbers : 953010006761497; 953010006761543;
Last Updated - 27-Nov-2024
View Full ListingLast Updated - 27-Nov-2024
Location - Tauranga, NZ
Black Russian Terrier pups Born 17 September Ready to go to new homes now 15 Weeks old 1 boy AVAILABLE (Red Collar) DNA tested HUU CLEAR Sire from US Kennel Black Beards(semen import), Dam imported from Australia, bred by Black Reighn. Health testing available to view from both parents, we welcome visitors to come and meet us and our pups and Dam. All pups are microchipped, DNA screened, registered with Dogs NZ and come with an extensive puppy pack and lifetime breeder support. Pups are treated for worms 2 weekly (to 12 weeks), and fleas. All puppies also complete both an ESI and ENS program between 3-16 days old. Pups spend most of their time outside playing and exploring although have free access to come back inside as they want. All very confident and curious, Displaying sound guard instincts. sleeping inside at night, penned, no accidents over night. fully weaned. Application form and contracts apply.
Last Updated - 3-Jan-2025
View Full ListingLast Updated - 3-Jan-2025