Staffordshire Bull Terrier Profiles
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(Jo Kadel)
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WA | Akinos Femme Fatale - L2-HGA & HC Clear (Ch) (Nina Kesic) |
WA | Akinos Summer Storm L2-HGA & HC Clear (Ch) (Nina Kesic) |
WA | Akinos The Snow Man (Aust Ch) (Mrs N Kesic) |
SA | Albermarbull Essence (IMP UK) (Aust Ch) (Mark and Heidi Jenneys) |
NZ | Aldoushire Burlesque Babe (NZ Ch) (Shannon & Paul Aldous) |
NZ | Aldoushire Fairest Of Th Ball (Spl Gr Ch) (Shannon & Paul Aldous) |
NZ | Aldoushire Got The Force (AI) (NZ Ch) (Andrea McOnie-Perfect & Shannon Aldous) |
NZ | Alerick Eclipse Clear by Parentage for L2HGA and PHJC (NZ CH) (S M Payne) |
NZ | Alerick Jessamme jack (NZ GR CH) (Susanne Payne) |
SA | Anvilhart A Touch Of Grace (Aust Ch) (Anvilhart Kennels) |
SA | Anvilhart Big Girlie Pants (Aust Ch) (Anvilhart Staffords) |
SA | Anvilhart Can Hardly Wait (Aust Ch) (Anvilhart Kennels) |
SA | Anvilhart Cant You See My Halo (Aust Ch) (Anvilhart Staffords) |
SA | Anvilhart Canya Keepa Secret (Aust Ch) (Anvilhart Kennels) |
SA | Anvilhart Chiki Tiki (Ch) (D Tomney) |
SA | Anvilhart Cloudy Mist (Aust Ch) (Jo Hartnett) |
SA | Anvilhart Hot On Your Heels (RUBISS, BIS and RUBIS Supreme Champion) (J Rasche & D Tomney) |
SA | Anvilhart I Made U Look (AI) (Ch) (Anvilhart Kennels) |
SA | Anvilhart I'm Unbearable (Aust Grand Ch) (J Rasche & DTomney) |
SA | Anvilhart Justanothadevl (Aust Supreme Ch) (D Tomney) |
SA | Anvilhart Le De Da (Aust Ch) (J Rasche & D Tomney) |
SA | Anvilhart License To Chill (Supreme Champion) (Jorasche & d Tomney) |
SA | Anvilhart Midnite Rambla (Aust Ch) (Jo Hartnett) |
SA | Anvilhart Muddie Maddie (Ch Neut. Aust Supreme Ch) (J Rasche & D Tomney) |
SA | Anvilhart My Bro The Gigolo (Aust Sup Ch) (Anvilhart Kennels) |
SA | Anvilhart Oopsie Whoopsie (Aust Ch) (M Hartnett & Anvilhart Kennels) |
SA | Anvilhart Pray For The Wicked (C.I.B. ch, A20 Ch, Supreme Champion) (Anvilhart Staffords) |
SA | Anvilhart Three Times A Man (AI) (Aust Ch) (Anvilhart Kennels) |
SA | Anvilhart What You Wish For (Supreme Ch) (Anvilhart Kennels) |
NZ | Artisinal Ripple Effect (NZ CH) (Leana Bartle) |
WA | Artisinal Why So Serious (MULTI BISS/BIS/RUBIS/BISTC Aus Supreme Ch) (Mrs L. Findlater) |
TAS | Arwynet Hey Presto 20.09.00 - 21.02.15 (Aust Ch) (Tania Snare & Dion Smith) |
TAS | Arwynet Polly Anna L2 - HGA & HC Clear 15.11.2004 to 01.05.2018 (Aust Ch) (Tania Snare & Dion Smith) |
TAS | Arwynet Topsey Turvey L2 - HGA & HC Clear (Aust Ch) (Dion Smith & Tania Snare) |
WA | Avoncrest Nonconformist (Aust Ch) (Sandy Graham) |
QLD | Axlstaff Pandoras Heavensent (Annetta Bainbridge) |
QLD | Axlstaff The Devils Justis (Australian Champion) (Miss J Davis and Mrs D Tozer) |
QLD | Bajed Miss Blackberry AD JD RE (Australian Obedience Champion Neuter Ch Aust Ch) (Paula Hill) |
WA | Battlestar Kosmic Storm (Australian Champion) (Vicki White) |
QLD | Beaurite Deadly Sweet (Aust CH) (Craig Drury) |
QLD | Beautestaf Charlysnangel (Aust Ch) (Suzie McKenzie) |
QLD | Belleden Arabesque L2-HGA & HC Clear (Australian Champion) (Belleden) |
QLD | Belleden Chocka Block (Australian Supreme Champion BIS) (J Chivers) |
QLD | Belleden Comtesse De La Rouge - L2-HGA & HC Clear (Australian Supreme Champion) (Belleden) |
QLD | Belleden Crown Prince - L2-HGA & HC CLEAR (Australian Champion) (Belleden) |
QLD | Belleden De La Rouge - L2-HGA & HC CLEAR (Australian Grand Champion) (Belleden) |
QLD | Belleden Devil Ov Orion - L2-HGA & HC CLEAR (Australian & New Zealand Champion) (Belleden) |
QLD | Belleden Fleur De Rouge L2-HGA & HC Clear (Australian/Irish/Int Champion) (Lackyle - IRELAND) |
QLD | Belleden Galliano Kisses L2-HGA & HC Clear (Australian Supreme Champion) (Belleden) |
QLD | Belleden Red Warrior L2-HGA & HC CLEAR (Australian Grand Champion) (Belleden) |
QLD | Belleden Spellbound (Aust Ch) (J Chivers) |
QLD | Belleden Sunstone L2-HGA & HC CLEAR (Australian Supreme Champion) (Belleden) |
NSW | Berlstock Forever Dazzln - L2-HGA and HC clear (Ch) (Elaina Burgin - Dazzlnstaff) |
NT | Blackgunn Smokin Red Socks (Aust Ch) (N Clark) |
NZ | Blackshot EZ On The Eye Warmaster (imp Aust) (Aust & NZ Ch) (Steve Hughes & Sandra Smid) |
SA | Bluecrew fade to black (CH) (Davin hauschild) |
VIC | Boldhart Against All Odds (AUST CH) (A Doller/A Baxter) |
WA | Boldhart Blast From The Past (AI) (BIS CH) (J & N Lazzo) |
VIC | Boldhart Bobby Dazzler (Australian Champion) (A Baxter) |
VIC | Boldhart Booker Bates (Grand Ch) (A Baxter) |
VIC | Boldhart Bookies Babe (Ch) (A Baxter) |
VIC | Boldhart Cause U Love Me (Ch) (A Baxter) |
VIC | Boldhart Coco Chanel (Ch) (A Baxter) |
VIC | Boldhart Francies Fancy (Ch) (A Baxter) |
VIC | Boldhart Frivolous Fran (Aust Champion) (Sevilara Kennels) |
VIC | Boldhart Hannibl Hardcase (Australian Champion) (Sevilara Kennels) |
VIC | Boldhart Hardhartd Hannah (Grand Ch) (A Baxter) |
VIC | Boldhart Hugo Who (Ch) (A Baxter) |
VIC | Boldhart Just One Dot (Ch) (A Baxter) |
VIC | Boldhart Mo Macackie (Grand Ch) (A Baxter) |
VIC | Boldhart Olly Took (Aust Grand Ch) (David & Fiona Lowe) |
VIC | Boldhart On The Brink (AUST CH) (J & N Lazzo/ A Baxter) |
WA | Boldhart One Last Kiss (Ch) (Jason and Nicole Lazzo) |
VIC | Boldhart Paint ThTown Red (AUST CH) (P Budge/A Baxter) |
VIC | Boldhart Picture Perfect (Aust CH.) (A Baxter) |
WA | Boldhart Poetry in Motion (Ch) (J & N Lazzo) |
VIC | Boldhart Prisy Prunela (Ch) (A Baxter) |
VIC | Boldhart Red By Request (Grand Ch) (A Baxter) |
VIC | Boldhart Strike Me Pink (AUST CH) (A Baxter) |
VIC | Boldhart Tabatha Twitchit (Ch) (A Baxter) |
WA | Boldhart The Truth About Love (Ch) (J and N Lazzo) |
VIC | Boldhart Whole Lotta Rosie (Aust CH.) (A Baxter) |
VIC | Bolhart Penelope Pitstop (Aust Champion) (Sevilara Kennels) |
QLD | Bomchassa Saddleboy L2-HGA & HC Clear (Australian Champion) (Pieter & Shae Tjerkstra) |
QLD | Borolo Arch Nemesis L2-HGA & HC Clear (Aust Ch) (Borolo) |
QLD | Borolo Double Jeopardy (Ch) (A & C Holman) |
QLD | Borolo I Reckon (Aust Ch) (Borolo) |
QLD | Borolo Sweet Dreams - L2-HGA & HC Clear (Aust CH) (Borolo) |
VIC | Borstaff Jack None Reacher (Australian Champion) (Debra Radcliffe) |
VIC | Borstaff Ned Notlysocks L2 Hga Clear HC DNA Clear (BISS Aust Grand Champion) (Brohez Staffordshire Bull Terriers) |
VIC | Borstaff Suzy Steamroller (AUS CH) (K Marsh) |
NSW | Boydstaff Raging Bull (Aust Ch) (Kim Sammut) |
NSW | Brassnuks Hissy Fit (Champion) (B Davis) |
TAS | Brassnuks Holy Moly ( 20.08.1993 - 31.01.2009 ) (Aust Ch) (Tania Snare & Dion Smith) |
VIC | Brindale Look Dont Touch L2 HGA/HC Clear (Ch) (Wyowna Kennels) |
VIC | Brindale Vicious Gossip (CH) (B K Marsh) |
TAS | Britishpride Shamrock Kid (AI) (BIG Aust Ch) (Mr Adam C Booth) |
VIC | Brohez Archibald Da Rogue ET (Aust Ch & Multi BISS) (Katrina Coulson (Lilrock)) |
VIC | Brohez Black Art (MULTI BISS Aust Ch) (Brohez Staffordshire Bull Terriers) |
VIC | Brohez Queens Gambit (ai) (BISS Ch.) (F. McBride) |
NSW | Brohez Watcher on the Wall (AI) (L2-HGA/HC PHPV Clear - DNA Profiled) (Aust Ch) (Nicola Yates) |
NSW | Brookshire Black Opal (CH) (Frans & Griet Coetzer) |
VIC | Brookstreet Law and Order (AI) (BISS Aust. Ch.) (Trilby Tiller) |
WA | Bullitproof Disturbed (Aust Ch) (Mrs C & Mr M Allen) |
WA | Bullitproof Heavy Metal (Aus Ch) (Mrs Christine Allen) |
WA | Bullitproof Miss Da Meana (Aust Ch) (Mrs Christine Allen) |
WA | Bullitproof The Assassin (Aust Ch) (Christine Allen) |
WA | Bullitproof The Undertaker (BISS RUBIS Aust Ch) (Mrs C & Mr M Allen) |
NT | Bullybouys Scooby Doo (BIS RUBIS Aust Ch) (Dekadance Staffords) |
TAS | Bustabones Black With Two (AI) L2 / HC / DM DNA clear & profiled (BISS BIS Supreme Champion) (Bustabones Knls) |
TAS | Bustabones Adifrnt Shadeowhite (AI) L2-HGA & HC Clear (BIS Supreme CH) (Bustabones Knls) |
TAS | Bustabones An Reice Gaelach (AI) L2-HGA & HC DNA Clear / DNA Profiled (Supreme CH) (Bustabones Knls) |
TAS | Bustabones Beauty It’s A Curse L2 / HC / DM DNA clear & profiled (Aust Champion) (Bustabones Knls) |
TAS | Bustabones Bet Ya Bippy L2-HGA & HC Clear / DNA profiled (Aust GRCH) (Bustabones Knls) |
TAS | Bustabones Black No Sugar (Grand Champion) (Bustabones Kennels) |
TAS | Bustabones Bossy Little Sheila L2 / HC / DM DNA clear & profiled (Aust Ch) (Bustabones Knls) |
TAS | Bustabones Dont Mess Wthe Dress (Aust Champion) (Bustabones Knls) |
TAS | Bustabones Get Ya Gameface On (BIS BISS SUPCH) (Bustabones Knls) |
TAS | Bustabones Goody Twshoes L2-HGA & HC Clear / DNA Profiled (Aust Champion) (Bustabones Knls) |
TAS | Bustabones Hello Possums (AI) (BIS Supreme Ch) (Bustabones Knls) |
TAS | Bustabones Howard Ulikit HC Clear (Grand Champion) (Bustabones Knls) |
TAS | Bustabones Hugh Jelly (GRCH) (Bustabones Knls) |
NSW | Bustabones My Name Is No (BIS BISS Supreme CH) (L & K Kavanagh) |
TAS | Bustabones Thikthighs Prttyeyes (AI) L2 / HC / DM DNA clear & profiled (BISS BIS Champion) (Bustabones Knls) |
SA | Bustabones Thtrubl With Tequila (AI) L2-HGA & HC CBP (Supreme Ch.) (Tania Huitema) |
TAS | Bustabones Try Whistling This L2 / HC / DM DNA clear & profiled (BIS & BISS Supreme Champion) (Bustabones Kennels) |
TAS | Bustabones Widowmaker (Aust CH) (Bustabones Knls) |
TAS | Bustabones Witch With A Bee (AI) L2 / HC / DM DNA clear & profiled (Aust Champion) (Bustabones Knls) |
TAS | Bustabones Wot Do Monsters Eat ET L2 / HC / DM DNA clear & profiled (BIS Supreme Champion) (Bustabones Kennels) |
TAS | Bustabones Wots Ya Point L2-HGA & HC Clear / DNA profiled (Multi BIS Grand Champion) (Bustabones Knls) |
QLD | Bxact Ridin Dirty (Ch) (K Roebig (Bxact Staffords)) |
QLD | Bxact Shake DatAzz ForMe (BISS CH) (K Roebig) |
QLD | Bxact Smooth Operator (RUBISS CH) (Bxact Staffords) |
QLD | Bxact Sumthng Wickd Thiswycoms (CH) (K Roebig) |
QLD | Bxact The Soul Taker (CH) (K Roebig & G Brooks) |
QLD | Bxact Walk It Like U Talk It (L2 & HC Clear) (CH) (K Roebig) |
VIC | Calojo Crash Bang WWPD (Neuter Ch) (Tanya & Simon Henderson) |
VIC | Calojo Just Add Water (Australian Ch.) (SP & TM Henderson) |
VIC | Calojo My Little Rain Cloud (AI) (Australian Ch.) (SP & TM Henderson) |
VIC | Calojo The Big Bang (AI) (Aust Ch. Neuter Ch.) (Mr S P & Mrs T M Henderson) |
QLD | Canakey Sweet Dreamer (AI) IMP UK (Australian Champion) (Belleden Staffords) |
NSW | Capilet Dnt Feed Afta Midnite (AI) (Multi BISS Multi BIS SUPREME CHAMPION) (S Clark) |
NZ | Challenger Ceasar Rex (CH) (Margaret Walker) |
NSW | Cherabah Sugar Maud (Aust Ch) (Shane Gardner & Karen Martin) |
QLD | Chivac Jadakhan (Aust Ch) (J Chivers) |
QLD | Chivac Raise the Roof (Aust Champion BISS) (J Chivers) |
QLD | Chivac Rumour Has It (Aust Champion) (J Chivers) |
NT | Compadrestaff Teddy (Imp ESP) (Aust Ch) (Y. Weber) |
VIC | Costalot Captain Calico Jack (Sup Ch) (A Dean & G Bator) |
QLD | Dekadance Blood And Roses (Australian Chamion) (Annetta Bainbridge, J. Lacey, K. Lacey) |
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