Staffordshire Bull Terrier Profiles
Quazzar Azz She Comes
(Mrs N Clark)
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WA | Akinos God Of Mischief (Aust Ch) (Mrs N Kesic) |
NZ | Alerick Khan on Point @ Shadowstaff (M Pilawa) |
VIC | Allbluestaff Heartbreaker (Lianne) |
VIC | Allbluestaff Hugh Hefner (J Armiento) |
TAS | Alliedblue Inda Mood (Wagzstaf) |
QLD | Alliedblue The Protector (C Smith) |
SA | Anvilhart Pray For The Wicked (C.I.B. ch, A20 Ch, Supreme Champion) (Anvilhart Staffords) |
NSW | Argentdawn Come On Wee Logan (Mr J & T Waterfield) |
TAS | Arwynet The Dark Knight (Dion Smith & Tania Snare) |
SA | Asgardian Yoda Blue (Richard Graham) |
QLD | Astroblues Cosmic Wilson (Adam Greenham) |
VIC | Auricstaff Kung Fu Panda (IMP RUS) (Wyowna knls) |
WA | Avoncrest Nonconformist (Aust Ch) (Sandy Graham) |
SA | Awesum Lil Bit Flashy (J Kinross) |
SA | Awesum One In A Minion (AI) (Aust Ch) (Kyra Ricketts & Steve Wilkes) |
NSW | Barrikelba Driftin (AI) (Kylie Gatt) |
SA | Beaurite Wicked Mister Pirate (Miss Laura McBride) |
NT | Blackgunn Smokin Red Socks (Aust Ch) (N Clark) |
NZ | Blackshot EZ On The Eye Warmaster (imp Aust) (Aust & NZ Ch) (Steve Hughes & Sandra Smid) |
NZ | Blackshot Gone Walkabout (imp Aust) AI (J Croft, S Smid & S Hughes) |
QLD | Blubludstaff Hugo's Grandson (Toni Crosby) |
QLD | Blubludstaff Hugo's Grandson (Toni Crosby) |
QLD | Blubludstaff Silver Shadow (Jong So Park) |
SA | Bluecrew fade to black (CH) (Davin hauschild) |
VIC | Bluhazestafs Boss Man (Peter Trombetta) |
WA | BluJeans Repeat Offender (Neralie Burwood) |
VIC | Bluverado Magnum Force (Mrs T Barker) |
QLD | Bomchassa Bravemate (Pieter & Shae Tjerkstra) |
QLD | Bomchassa Rough Ryder (Australian Champion.) (Pieter & Shae Tjerkstra) |
QLD | Bomchassa Saddleboy L2-HGA & HC Clear (Australian Champion) (Pieter & Shae Tjerkstra) |
VIC | Bondiblue Juju Jake (Mr Julian Jones) |
VIC | Bondiblue Magic Mitch (Mr Julian Jones) |
VIC | Bonnaleebluz Rocco (Roger Barbieri) |
VIC | Borstaff Jack None Reacher (Australian Champion) (Debra Radcliffe) |
SA | Brikhed Charlestown (S.J. Wymark) |
VIC | Brohez Clash Of Kings (AI) (Multi BISS/BIS/RUBISS Aust Ch.) (F McBride) |
NSW | Brohez Watcher on the Wall (AI) (L2-HGA/HC PHPV Clear - DNA Profiled) (Aust Ch) (Nicola Yates) |
SA | Brookstreet Cyclone Thomas (ai) (S Wilkes) |
WA | Brookstreet Smokin Joe (Emma Madrid) |
WA | Bullitproof Heavy Metal (Aus Ch) (Mrs Christine Allen) |
QLD | Bxact Sumthng Wickd Thiswycoms (CH) (K Roebig) |
QLD | Bxact The Soul Taker (CH) (K Roebig & G Brooks) |
NSW | Cadarnan Shogun (Ken Cox and Kelly Allen (Cadarnan)) |
VIC | Calojo Just Add Water (Australian Ch.) (SP & TM Henderson) |
VIC | Calojo They Were Warned (SP & TM Henderson) |
NZ | Challenger Ceasar Rex (CH) (Margaret Walker) |
VIC | Chapmeek Ice Patrol At Ashstaff (Imp UK) (Koendidda Kennels) |
VIC | Dekotablu Cash (Gabriel Messaike) |
NSW | Deltablu Braveheart (Colin and Kerry James) |
TAS | Deseado King Of Hearts (K Peisley) |
QLD | Devilzown Canned Heat (Aust Ch) (Ms B McDonald & Ms K Fitzgerald) |
QLD | Devilzown Voodoo Chile (AI) (BIS MRUBIS RUBISS Aust Supreme Champion) (Bronwyn Macdonald) |
VIC | Dozerstaff Rusty (Gayle Hall) |
VIC | Echostaff Flamigo Mallets (Aust Ch) (A. Freeman) |
VIC | Englishblue Silver Phantom (Zachary Purdon) |
WA | Farrugstaff Teardrop Ova Clown (Aust Ch) (Frances Farrugia) |
NSW | Franknfine Chasin Shadows (Mr Colin James) |
QLD | Gemra Sink Th Ink (SUP CH) (D J Albrecht &p Abbott) |
VIC | Gilgai Monkey Magic (Gilgai Kennels) |
QLD | Graylandstaf Kevin (J Denyer) |
VIC | Grayleigh Just Wing N It (Aust CH) (Grayleigh Staffords) |
VIC | Grayleigh Mojito Mo (Lesley Knights) |
QLD | Gumstan Backyard Bandit (Pearl Allen) |
QLD | Gunnadootafu All Or Nothing (Ch) (Mrs N Taylor) |
NZ | Gyparris Highland Laddie at Shadowstaff (Margaret Pilawa (Walker)) |
WA | Harboustaff Noahz Ark (Kelly Godden) |
VIC | Heartoutblue Romeo (Adawyn) |
QLD | Helhafnofury Jokes On You (Jo Kadel) |
NSW | Helstaff Galaxy Showoff (Aust Ch) (K. Crawley) |
VIC | Heritageblue Frankie (George) |
QLD | Hordor Rock Jaw (L2 Hga and HC Clear) (Ken Cox and Kelly Allen (Cadarnan)) |
SA | Huzza Boy (Rona hernen) |
NSW | Immortalbluz Alphamaximus (Matt Garratt) |
QLD | Irongaurdian Puppa Smurf (Miss J A McIntyre) |
SA | Jazabelblues Beaujangles (Ms Lynne Crompton) |
VIC | Kaleida Lightnin Strikes Twice CA (Helen Lomax) |
NZ | KaylaJaz Ace of Spades L2-HGA & HC Clear (BISS NZCH) (N Valentic) |
WA | Keltrice High Voltage RE JC (CH) (K Senior) |
WA | Keltrice Wrapped in Gold (J Doust) |
VIC | Kelzblugirl The Fonz (Gabriel Messaike) |
VIC | Koendidda Onya Birri ET (Ch) (Koendidda Kennels) |
NZ | Lidaby Started With A Big Bang (Lisa Martel) |
NZ | Lidaby The-Taskmaster (NZ CH) (Lisa Martel & Christopher Burton) |
VIC | Likalot Childs Play (CH) (David and Bronwen) |
VIC | Likalot Divils Wanderer (AI) (CH) (David and Bronwen) |
VIC | Likalot I Am Legend (David and Bronwen Livingstone) |
NSW | Likalot Punky Brewster (Aust Ch) (Dr D & Mrs F Lowe) |
VIC | Likalot The Kingdom (CH) (David and Bronwen) |
NSW | Lillicamblue Erik The Great (Mrs R L Durbin) |
VIC | Linhope Volk The Hulk (N. Gibbard) |
VIC | Lionsden Doing The Locomotion (Mr Andrew & Mrs Joulyet Lyon) |
VIC | Lionsden Royal Renegade (Aus Sup Ch) (Mr A W & Mrs J Lyon) |
VIC | Lionsden Smooth Mover (Aus Sup Ch) (Andrew & Joulyet Lyon) |
VIC | Lisboablue Sir Duke Almighty (Bruno) |
QLD | Lord Tobias (Mark Lindsay) |
VIC | Ltu.jr Ch. Pol. Jr. Ch. Ch. Kantor Sama Slodycz (imp Pol) (Ch) (Anthony McKee) |
QLD | Magicmine Irish Whiskey (J Jackson & C Koeford) |
QLD | Magicmine Sent By An Angel (AI) JC N.SPRD (Aust Ch) (Paula Hill) |
QLD | Matterstaff Valor Brutus (Shelley Draydon) |
VIC | Micraebluez Zeus Blu (Michael Paley) |
WA | Mistyhaven Shotgun Blues (Neralie Burwood) |
VIC | Mokoiastaff Bustin Moves (Mrs M Fraser) |
NSW | Monchelpark Burnin Diesel (AUS CH) (C Borg) |
NSW | Monchelpark King Louie (AUS CH) (C Borg) |
NSW | Monchelpark To Be or Not to Be (AUS CH) (Mrs C borg) |
QLD | Moonglade Chain Reaction (AUST CH) (Karen Peek) |
WA | Moonglade Chase The Ace (Emma Madrid) |
QLD | Moonglade Diego (Michael Monteith) |
QLD | Moonglade Luther At Costa Lot JC (IID CZE) (Joshua Jackson) |
SA | Muzewa Abominable Snowman (Muzewa SBT) |
QLD | Mybluegirls Blau (Peter Hertrick) |
VIC | Nevadalodge Full Tilt (Mark Lowe) |
VIC | Neworder Never miss a beat (Sup Ch) (B & K Marsh) |
VIC | Neworder Thundaboltn Lightning (Sup Ch) (B & K Marsh) |
WA | Nirvanabhlu I Am Spata (Jasmine Wells) |
WA | Nirvanabhlu Jackblack Wild Card (Jasmine Nirvana) |
QLD | Noriontstaff Tommy Truffle (AUST CH.) (Ms S Neill) |
SA | Onahi On The Sly (M.McLean and D. Millard) |
WA | Onahi Sabotage (Melissa McLean) |
VIC | Orson De Testa Ferro (IMP ESP) (Ch) (Mel Watson) |
VIC | Osleya Bet Your Boots (Aust Ch) (Grayleigh staffords) |
NSW | Ourgang Dazzln Star (AI) N.SPRD (Aust Ch) (Elaina Chandler) |
NSW | Ourgang Delta Force - AI (Joanna & Greg Finn) |
NSW | Ourgang The Greatest Showman - AI (Champion) (Andrew Casperson) |
NSW | Ourgang Unbroken (Hannah Burn) |
NSW | Ourgang Unconditional (David Gee & Jaclyn Bowcock) |
QLD | Phoenix Burning (Mark Lindsay) |
QLD | Platinumblue bosss (miss S Farrant) |
QLD | Platinumblue Sargent Monty (Vicki Montgomery) |
NSW | Platinumblue Sir Bruno (Mr B Bohn) |
VIC | Powerpaws Jus Like Jesse James (Mr S P & Mrs T M Henderson) |
NSW | Powerpaws Just Do It (Ch) (Kirsty Lee) |
VIC | Purebulkness Diesel (Charles and Kylie) |
VIC | Purebulkness Rockstar Diesel (Rachel & Nick) |
NSW | Quantumstaff Dr No (Leigh Berwick Wolff) |
NSW | Quantumstaff Thunderball (Ch) (K & A Gatt) |
VIC | Remera Red Raff (Sarah Mitchell) |
NSW | Roperbull The Duke (ai) DNA Tested and profiled (Baden) |
QLD | Roperbull Silent Assasin (EMILY Davis) |
SA | Roslynhaus Midnight Lightning (Kelly Brown) |
VIC | Roslynhaus Russell (Andrew) |
NSW | RUBIS Southstock Renegade Returns (Cheryl Rea) |
WA | Russian Rezident K'quentin (imp Hun) (Jasmine Wells) |
QLD | Saddlestaff Lucky Phil (CH) (D Albrecht) |
NZ | Sanstache Dats Some Boo-Sheet (Ch) (Eamonn Pearless) |
SA | Savion Stand And Deliver JC. (BISS / RUBISS Aust Supreme Ch.) (Mr N Morton) |
SA | Savion Stand Your Ground (Champion) (S J Wymark) |
QLD | Seeshellsblu Mighty Maximus (Judy Garland) |
NSW | Seighford Wizzards Accomplice (Aust Ch) (Dr D & Mrs F Lowe) |
NZ | Shadowstaff Diamond Al (Margaret Walker) |
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