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Cover for Swedish Lapphund puppies ranges from: $28.12/mo ~ $41.58/mo*
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Puppies Available Now (or due soon) OR Litter Planned (next 12 months) OR Has Older Dog Available
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Cover for Swedish Lapphund puppies ranges from: $28.12/mo ~ $41.58/mo*
Name - Wayne & Sue Sharp Location - Logan, QLD Web - http://www.janobykennels.com Next Planned Litter - Unknown
Introduced into Australia by Wayne & Sue Sharp the first Swedish Lapphund. Herding Instinct's Beana. This breed is active and loving, great for families with children. Beana has been in the show ring since 2005. This versitle breed have picked up several in group awards, including the first litter of Australian bred pups.New arrival to australia Fin Ch,Swd Ch Dina of Janoby (imp Swd). Due to Covid there will be no new litters in Australia
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