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Contact : Jodie Magner

Location : West of Tenterfield NSW

Phone : 0429375280

Apply: Send Puppy Application

Email: Reveal Email

My daughter Tia has fallen in love Minature Daschshunds and a beautifuhas two girls Indie (Delamaine Time to Party) and Fourrivers Poppie (Indies Daughter). She has also a male Digby who is a Black and Tan boy with much love and energy. All dogs have been well bred and have wonderful temperaments. We are on a propery and they love to come in the ute or on the quad bike to assist.

The dogs are a little/lot spoilt and think they are human. A great companion to everyone in the house. Temperament is great and they have a lot of energy. Very clever so training has been easy.

Next Litter Planned: Unknown

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