Tibetan Terrier Profiles
Aust Ch Caerlaverock Iva-Vision (Imp NZ)
(R & Mrs V Bennetts)
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QLD | Aksana’s wings Australian dream (imp Belarus) (Ch) (Jane neasbey) |
QLD | Araki Kaliki (Imp U.k) (Ch) (Janelle Mannell) |
NSW | Araki Oops I've Done It Again (imp UK) (Aust Supreme Ch.) (Louise Hickie) |
NSW | Araki Precious Pandora (imp UK) (Aust Supreme Ch) (Louise Hickie) |
NSW | Araki Wicked Willy (imp UK) (Eng & Aust Supreme Ch) (Louise Hickie) |
WA | Aryed Piece Of The Puzzle (Aust Ch) (Mr A Reid & Ms C Chapman) |
WA | Aryed Shampain Time (Aust Ch) (A Reid) |
WA | Aryed Suit Ably Attired (AI) (Aust Ch) (Mr A Reid & Ms C Chapman) |
VIC | Aryed Suits Us (Mr A Reid) |
WA | Aryed Time After Time (Aust Grand Champion) (Pw & Mrs Rga Primrose) |
WA | Aryed Vah Vah Voom (CH) (Pw & Mrs Rg Primrose) |
WA | Aryed Y Oh Y (CH) (Pw & Rga Primrose) |
ACT | Atisha's Cerise Noire Of Euphoria (imp USA) (Am Ch & Supreme Ch) (Louise Hickie) |
QLD | Ayrmann Lordov Asgard (Mrs J Neasbey/Mr G & Mrs V Mannion) |
NSW | Bakit Dechen Ja Devika (Aust Ch) (V Sutcliffe) |
QLD | Bakit Princeof Lo (Ch) (Janelle Mannell) |
NZ | Boshanti Lexxus JW CGCB (Imp. UK) (NZ Ch) (Brian & Louise Harris) |
VIC | Bovais Always Glowing (Aust Ch) (Gerda Schellens) |
VIC | Bovais I Am Invictuss (R & V Bennetts) |
NSW | Bovais Its A Scandal (Vicki Sutcliffe) |
VIC | Bovais Takem By Surprize (Grand Ch) (R & V Bennetts) |
NSW | Bovais Top Class (Ch) (Mrs Shirley Orr) |
QLD | Bovais Touch O Class (Ch) (Mrs M Spurr) |
NSW | Caelaverock Emaho Ketu (Imp NZ) (Vicki Sutcliffe) |
NZ | Caerlaverock Emaho-Dorje RN (NZ Ch & NZ Neut Grand Ch) (Brian & Louise Harris) |
NZ | Caerlaverock Emaho-Namba (NZ Ch) (Brian & Louise Harris) |
VIC | Caerlaverock Gon-Po Pema (Imp NZ) (Aust Ch) (Mr R & Mrs V Bennetts) |
QLD | Caerlaverock Hu's Judg'n (Imp NZ) (AUST & NZ CHAMP, RBIS) (Sharon Lancey) |
NZ | Caerlaverock Hymm-To-The-Wind (NZ Ch) (Brian & Louise Harris) |
VIC | Caerlaverock Iva-Vision (Imp NZ) (Aust Ch) (R & Mrs V Bennetts) |
NZ | Caerlaverock Kona-Amrita (NZ Ch) (Brian and Louise Harris) |
NZ | Caerlaverock Mampa-Bumo RN (NZ Ch) (Brian & Louise Harris) |
NZ | Caerlaverock Pho Flying Solo (NZ Ch) (Brian & Louise Harris) |
QLD | Caerlaverock Wa-Le Byad-Ma (IMP NZ) (AUST CH) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
NSW | Castlemar Matilda (Aust Grand Ch) (Peter & Joyce Mortimer) |
QLD | Castlemar Montgomery (imp NZ) (BIS/RBIS Aust Grand Ch) (Caroline Bouffler) |
QLD | Castlemar Wild Colonial Girl (imp NZ) (Aust Supreme Champion) (Caroline & Tony Bouffler) |
NSW | Catch the Wind Erbosedition (Imp Slovakia) (Pamela Ellis) |
WA | Charlemagne The Sting (Aust/NZ CH) (Sharon Lancey) |
ACT | Cobbstar Stepp N Tyme Danca (Deborah Pezzella) |
ACT | Cobbstar Voodoo Danca (Pauline Cobb) |
QLD | Cubet Taity Taffryn (Georgie Hampson) |
QLD | Cubet Timbuk Tu (Georgie Hampson) |
QLD | Delaware Ebony Rose (imp NZ) (GRAND CH) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
TAS | Duskin Twilight (AI) (Aust & Neut Ch) (Christian Lee) |
NSW | Ecco Domani's The Guardian Of Destiny (imp Usa) (AM CH. AM GR CH. CH) (Miss L.M. Hickie) |
NZ | Gengala Back For More (imp- Aust) (NZ CH) (Valerie Northcott) |
VIC | Gengala Back To Bug You (Ch) (Miss Louise Hickie) |
VIC | Gengala Back To Bug You (Aust Ch) (Louise Hickie) |
NSW | Gengala Caught By Surprise (Aust Ch) (Louise Hickie) |
NSW | Gengala Caught On Screen (Aust Ch) (Louise Hickie) |
NSW | Gengala Caught Red Handed (Aus Sup Ch) (L M Hickie) |
NSW | Gengala Critics Choice (Australian Champion) (R&Y Barter & L Hickie) |
NSW | Gengala Dipped In Ink (Aust Supreme Ch) (Louise Hickie) |
NSW | Gengala Get Used To It (Louise Hickie) |
NSW | Gengala Get With The Flo (Aust Ch) (Louise Hickie) |
NSW | Gengala Gobsmacker (Aust Supreme Ch) (Louise Hickie, Ray & Yvonne Barter) |
NSW | Gengala Hairy McLary (Aust Ch) (Mrs M.L. Hickie) |
NSW | Gengala Ink Pad (Aust Supreme CH) (Miss L Hickie & Ms D Alomes) |
VIC | Gengala Its About Thyme (Aust Ch) (Louise Hickie) |
SA | Gengala Paint It Black (Kirsten Anne Perry) |
NSW | Gengala Political Print (Aust Sup Ch) (L M Hickie) |
NSW | Gengala Rip It Up Rita (Ch) (Louise Hickie) |
NSW | Gengala Thrilled To Blitz (Aust Ch ) (Louise Hickie) |
NSW | Gengala Trademark (L M Hickie) |
NSW | Gengala Watch This Space (Aust Ch) (Louise Hickie) |
NSW | Gengala White Hot Wanda (Aust Ch) (Louise Hickie) |
TAS | Hunson Rinchen (Ch) (Hunson Kennels) |
WA | Kokalege Grace (AUST CH) (Elaine Robshaw (handled S Lancey)) |
NSW | Mikudi Over the Moon (Grand Ch) (Peter and Joyce Mortimer) |
SA | Myatuc Like A Boss (Kirsten-Anne Perry) |
VIC | Myatuc Like A Prince (R & Mrs M van Roosmalen) |
QLD | Nakiventures ebony at midnite (Aust ch) (Jane neasbey) |
QLD | Qanda Lhi's Qa-Par (Imp Italy) (A2O CH, C.I.B, Multi B.I.S/Multi RBIS/JWW '15, SUPREME CH) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
WA | Qinghai Su Panthog (Aust Ch) (Sharon Lancey) |
QLD | Riwuda InExcess (AUST CH) (Sharon Lancey) |
NSW | Sangkor Kali Gandaki (Vicki Sutcliffe) |
SA | Sangye Masquerade (Kirsten-Anne Perry) |
QLD | Sesukan All Set To Parti (AUST CH) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan ChampagneAndRoses (AUST CH) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Chasn Fun N Games (S & B Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Chasn Some Tail (AUST CH) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan CY I Love You (Aust Ch) (Sharon Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Georgus George (AUST CH) (Sharon Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Hus Judgn Hu (BIS/RBIS/RBISS GRAND CHAMP) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Hus Madeto Order (AUST CH) (Sharon Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Hus Upsettnem (AUST CH) (Breanne Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Husa Wikid One (AUST CH) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Husabsolutely Fabulous (AUST CH) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Husamazingly Goodlookn (AUST CH) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Ice On Fire (AUST CH) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Im The One They Love (AUST CH) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Lhis Dont Hate Th Game (AUST CH) (S. Sanim, S & B Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Lhis Double Entendre (Jess Clifford, Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Lhis Ithinkmyhaloslipd (AUST CH) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Lhis Strippa Gram (AUST CH) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
TAS | Sesukan LHis you For Got My Crown (Aust Ch Gr & Neut.Ch) (Mr Christian Lee) |
QLD | Sesukan Merrily Blonde Again (AUST CH) (Cheryl Ahchee & John Summerville) |
QLD | Sesukan Merrily Makn Mischief (AUST CH) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Merrily Makn Waves (GRAND CH, Multi B.I.G) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Sambucca Sami (Aust Ch) (Georgie Hampson) |
QLD | Sesukan Shirtee Girtee (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
QLD | Sesukan Topsey Turvee (AUST CH) (Mike & Pamela Blakemore) |
NSW | Shelloy Artful Dodger (Grand Ch) (Peter & Joyce Mortimer) |
TAS | Shelloy Hugo Da Boss (Aust.Sup.Gr.Ch) (Christian Lee) |
NSW | Shelloy Im Just Eboni (Australian Champion) (Barbara Ellis) |
QLD | Shelloy Little Nell (AUST CH) (Sharon Lancey) |
NSW | Shelloy Look at me now (Pl & Ji Mortimer) |
NSW | Shelloy The Phantom (Aust Supreme Ch Multi BIS, RUBIS, RUBISS, BIG) (P & J Mortimer) |
NSW | Shelloy Tibetan Lace (Aust Ch) (P & J Mortimer) |
NSW | Shelloy Touch of Class (Aust Ch) (PL & JI Mortimer) |
WA | Shomack Just In Tyme (Aust Ch) (Sharon Lancey) |
VIC | Silverstarz Dreaming at Myatuc (R & M van Roosmalen) |
SA | Silverstarz Royal Majesty (Kirsten-Anne Perry) |
NSW | Tibetoes Coat of Many Colours (P M Ellis) |
NSW | Tibetoes Cruising Together (Aust Ch) (Pamela Ellis) |
NSW | Tibetoes Dance Monkey (Aust Ch) (Pamela Ellis) |
NSW | Tibetoes Dance the Night (P M Ellis) |
NSW | Tibetoes Fingers Crossed (Aust Ch) (Pamela Ellis) |
NSW | Tibetoes Funky Crime (Pamela Ellis) |
QLD | Tibetoes Killing Tyme (AUST CH, A2O CH) (Sharon & Breanne Lancey) |
TAS | Tibetoes King Of The Road (Aust.Ch.) (Christian Lee Ms P M Ellis) |
NSW | Tibetoes Kiss Me Red (Aust Ch) (Pamela Ellis) |
NSW | Tibetoes Kiss on my List (Aust Ch) (Pamela Ellis) |
NSW | Tibetoes Take My Breath Away (Aust Ch) (Pamela Ellis) |
NSW | Tibetoes Talk To Me (Pamela Ellis) |
QLD | Tsanggold Anyanka (Ch) (Carol Bunkum) |
VIC | Tsanggold Tsephel Sonam (R & M van Roosmalen) |
VIC | Tsanggold Tsephel Geleg (Aust Ch) (Mr R & Mrs Bennetts) |
VIC | Tsanggold Tseten Ja Devika (Aust.Ch., Neut.Ch.) (Gerda Schellens) |
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