Cane Corso Profiles

Hiworx Big Show
(N Tetley Mr L Bezzina & Miss R Wright)

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NT Aeestate Anita (Aust Ch.) (Mrs T Blakeney)
WA Aeestate Ares (Fiona Blakeney)
WA Aeestate Bad Santa (Shane Blakeney)
NSW Allevatore Blue Ivy (Aust Champion) (Donna Blundell)
VIC Allevatore Flowkey (Mrs V Legg)
VIC Allevatore Tank (Mrs V Legg)
NSW Allevatore Vixen (Donna Blundell)
WA Armorcor Darla (Ch) (Mr C Wyrewenaden)
WA Armorcor Drogo (Ch) (Mr C Wyrewenaden)
WA Awesomissimo Fausto (David Allen / Belinda Allen)
VIC Bullochet Bobby Arturo (Tracey Lyne)
VIC Bullochet Sansa Solido (Belinda Attard)
VIC Clarissima Stella B-hugo (Josh O’Toole)
VIC Corside Raising Havoc (Paul Douglas)
WA Criticalmass Atlas (Chris and Zaketh Lyon)
WA Criticalmass Ava (Chris and Stacey Lyon)
ACT Darlaja Gone Rogue (Lana Opbroek)
NSW Dddawgs Anzac cold steel (Aust Ch) (Mrs A Holland)
SA DDDawgs Eridita Un Re (J Zammit)
VIC Dedalo (Imp) (Paul Douglas)
NSW Diamanticor Antonio Il Capo (Kay Dodds)
WA Falcone Sunshain Kennel Lapovo (IMP SRB) (Chris and Stacey Lyon)
QLD Famoso Kyomi Medusa at Renombre (Aust Ch) (L & J Gould)
NSW Famoso Oliver (Donna Blundell)
NSW GuardaCor Valentino Fantasma (Kay Dodds)
VIC Hi Power Sabre (Mrs V Legg)
NSW Hipower Sabre (Mr M Farkas)
NSW Hiworx Big Show (N Tetley Mr L Bezzina & Miss R Wright)
NSW Impact Sangue Magnifica (Milan Farkas)
NSW Itabass Protector Of The Realm (Rosalyn and Lisbeth)
QLD Itabass Shadow Dragon (AUST CH) (Ms S Neill)
NSW Itacor Apollo (Frank Bartuccio)
NSW Itacor Battista (Frank Bartuccio)
NSW Itacor Bruno (Itacor)
NSW Itacor Cirilla (F & F Bartuccio)
NSW Itacor Cougar (Aust Ch) (Mr F & Mrs F Bartuccio)
NSW Itacor Dago (Aust Ch) (Mr F Bartuccio & Mrs F Bartuccio)
NZ Itacor Ebony Dream (IMP AUST) CGC B (RBIS NZ CH) (S Mischefski - Numoda)
WA Itacor Faith (Australian Champion) (Mr C & Mrs S Lyon and Mr F & Mrs F Bartuccio)
NSW Itacor Guardian Angel (Mr & Mrs F Bartuccio)
WA Itacor Jet (Ch) (Mr C Wyrewenaden & Mr F & Mrs F Bartucci)
WA Itacor Julius Caesar (B & S McKie / Mr & Mrs F Bartuccio)
WA Itacor Pagani (Mr C & Mrs S Lyon and Mr F & Mrs F Bartuccio)
NSW Itacor Regina (Mr F Bartuccio & Mrs F Bartuccio)
WA Kabul Il Corso Dell’Olimpo (Ancient Empire Cane Corso prefix AEestate)
NZ Kiaraa Spunk Gang (Imp Serbia) (NZ CH) (Amanda Palmer)
ACT Kylasha Aquaman (Nicole Tetley and Lana Opbroek)
NSW Kylasha Aradias moon (Lesily Johnston)
ACT Kylasha Blue Moon (Aust Ch) (Nicole Tetley)
NSW Kylasha Braveheart (L Opbroek & N Tetley)
ACT Kylasha Goddess of The Moon (Aust CH) (Nicole Tetley & Lana Opbroek)
ACT Kylasha Hell on Fyre (Aust Ch) (Lana Opbroek)
NSW Kylasha Mummified Hawk (Australian Champion) (Nicole Tetley & Lana Opbroek)
ACT Kylasha Out for Vengeance (Nicole Tetley & L Opbroek &Donna Collins)
NSW Kylasha The Impaler (MULTI CIS. MULTI CIG. Gr Champion) (Nicole Tetley and Lana Opbroek)
ACT Kylasha Tip of the Ice Burg (Aust Ch) (L Opbroek & N Tetley)
NSW Kylasha Turn it up (BIG GR Ch) (Nicole Tetley and Lana Opbroek)
ACT Kylasha Who's your Daddy (Aust Champion) (L Opbroek & N Tetley)
NSW Lamastino Ruthless Royalty (Mr O. J Holland & Mrs A . J Holland)
NSW Lamastino Sonic Boom (Aust CH) (O. J & A. J Holland & F & M Crisa)
QLD Larna at Renombre (IMP ITA) (L & J Gould)
NSW Levalia La Dolce Lucilla (AI) (Aust Ch) (Kay Dodds)
WA Messina Il Corso Dell’Olimpo (Ancient Empire Cane Corso prefix AEestate)
QLD Mmdivine Magical Blue Moon (Annie May)
NSW Moby Dick Sunshain Kennels Lapovo (IMP SRB) (Australian Champion) (Nicole tetley & Lana Opbroek)
SA Montopoli Forseen Skandal (AI) (IMP NZL) (Mr J Zammit)
NZ Montopoli Made With Attitude (Mandy Hibbs)
NZ Montopoli Pandora’s Dream (Mandy Hibbs)
NZ Montopoli Ultimate Storm (Ch) (Mandy Hibbs)
NZ Numoda Concrete Slippers (BIS CH) (Sharron Mischefski)
NZ Numoda Vultures and Thieves (BIS CH) (S Mischefski)
NSW Redgladiator Queen Sheba (Milan Farkas)
VIC Redgladiator Baghira (Mrs V Legg)
NSW Redgladiator Balisto (Australian Champion) (Milan and Rosalyn)
NSW Redgladiator Chaos (CH) (Donna Blundell / Milan Farkas)
NSW Redgladiator Dream Spirit (Milan Farkas)
VIC Redgladiator Gemma Nikita (MR J Wright)
QLD Redgladiator Hercules (Ch) (Hershee Leefe)
WA Redgladiator Isabella (Australian Champion) (Belinda Allen)
NSW Redgladiator IVY Frankie (Sara Sadikovic)
VIC Redgladiator Lewishia (G Kelley)
WA Redgladiator New Mercy (Aust Ch) (Belinda Allen)
WA Redgladiator Odin (Aust Ch) (Belinda Allen)
QLD Renombre Apophis (AI) (Multi CIS, Aust Ch) (L & J Gould)
QLD Renombre Mystique (AI) (L & J Gould)
QLD Renombre Niobe (L & J Gould)
QLD Renombre Official Dream (L & J Gould)
WA Romacor Causing Chaos (Belinda Allen)
WA Romacor Endless Love (Belinda Allen)
WA Romacor Lunar Eclipse (Belinda Allen)
WA Romacor Poison Ivy (Belinda Allen)
WA Romacor Spirit Of Victory (ai) (Belinda Allen)
NZ Rothorm Jy Dream Just Can't Fight This Feeling (IMP SPAIN) (Miss Jannaya Ruttley)
WA Royaldragon Black Magic (A-M Wynne-Houchin)
WA Royaldragon Duchessa (S Wilkins)
WA Royaldragon Limited Edition (AI) (Ms S Wilkins & Mr B Hunter)
WA Sebpietro Ammo (Australian Champion) (Belinda Allen)
WA SempreMio Audrey Hepburn (Ashlie Cleaver)
WA SempreMio Sophia Loren (Ashlie Cleaver)
WA Sempremio Tom Hardy (Aust Ch) (Ashlie Cleaver)
WA Spqrka Freyja (Aust Champ) (Belinda Allen)
VIC Teodoracorso Banchee (Rob and Lee)
VIC Teodoracorso Furiosa (Mr Paul Douglas)
VIC Teodoracorso Keeper Of The Seed (Paul Douglas)
VIC Teodoracorso Lord Vader (Paul Douglas)
VIC Teodoracorso Maia (Paul Douglas)
VIC Teodoracorso Night Rider (Paul Douglas)
VIC Teodoracorso Sirius (Sofia)
VIC Teodoracorso Vera (Paul Douglas)
VIC Teodoracorso Wolfie (Paul Douglas)
NSW Thoreoz Aftershock (O&A. Holland THOREOZ Kennels)
NSW Thoreoz Blue Angel (Aust CH) (O J & A J Holland THOREOZ Kennels)
NSW Thoreoz Full Throttle (O J & A J Holland THOREOZ Kennels)
VIC Thoreoz Hank (Tom & Bree Co owned with THOREOZ Kennels)
NSW Thoreoz Im Sexy and I know it (Aust CH) (Mr O. J Holland & Mrs A. J Holland)
NSW Thoreoz Lagertha (O. J & A. J Holland & P Franchi)
NSW Thoreoz lets get ridiculous (CH) (Mr O. J & Mrs A. J Holland)
NSW Thoreoz like a wrecking ball (Aust Ch) (Mr O. J & Mrs A. J Holland)
NSW Thoreoz Princess of Power (Aust CH) (O J & A J Holland THOREOZ Kennels)
NSW Thoreoz Rogue One (Donna Blundell)
NSW Thoreoz Sabre (O J & A J Holland THOREOZ Kennels)
NSW Thoreoz Shelby (O J & A J Holland THOREOZ Kennels)
NSW Thoreoz Versace rose gold (Mrs O. J & Mrs A. J Holland)
NSW Thoreoz Walking in Memphis (Mr O. J & Mrs A. J Holland)
NSW Uniqua Custodi Nos (Milan Farkas)
ACT Velhogranja Brit (Aust Ch) (Nicole Tetley)
NSW Zammia Cee Cee All Eyez On Me (Mrs A Holland & Mr J Zappulla)

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