Towsytyke Bring a Plate

Pringles attended her first show on 16th August 2015 for the Cairn Terrier of NSW Specialty show. Judge was Wayne Lewis - Dallaroo Kerry Blue Terriers.

Pringles was awarded Runner up to Best in show from Minor Puppy Class. She won Reserve Bitch CC, Best overall Puppy (6-12months ) in show and Minor Puppy in show.

Here is her critique :-
Very pleasing to the eye. Full of character. Correct head (small in proportion but skull broad without being coarse ) Dark eyes. Well set on neck flowing into level topline. Extremely well ribbed back. Fore and hind quarters correctly angled. Good coat texture. This young bitch stole my heart and could hold her own anywhere in the world. Awarded RUBIS.

We have sent her litter sister, Potluck Pie,to live in the USA. with DiAnn Flory at Moorgreens.
Pringles is now retired and loves swimming in pond the duck park which is only 100 metres from our front door. The ducks are not that overjoyed though.

For further information contact:

Contact : Val & Becky Palmer (Member Details)

Phone : 08 9581 2712

Email: Reveal Email

Pedigree for Towsytyke Bring a Plate
Sire : Am Ch/Aust Ch Moorgreens Music Man ( Imp USA) S: Am Ch Kyleakin Shumba of Moorgreen S:
D: Am Ch Honeyhall Halliwell ( Imp UK) S:
Dam : Ch Towsytyke Emma Chiset S: Sch/Ch Raskens Romping Popinjay ( Imp Swd) S:
D: Towsytyke Pearl Harbour S: