AUST. CH. Macumazahn What The

Hips: 2/1 Elbows: 1/1 Full Breed DNA Profile DM & JME Clear

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Pedigree for AUST. CH. Macumazahn What The
Sire : MBISS/MBIS GR. CH. Caprivi Asgood As Itgets ET S: BISS/BIS CH. Caprivi Inside Edge CDX ET ADM JDX S: Groberspals Yuletide
D: Macumazahn Fatal Beauty CD ET
D: CH. Groberspals Cupid S: MBISS CH. Marsabit Mfumo
D: CH. Groberspals Kakadoo
Dam : CH. Macumazahn Miss Shagwell S: Amashutu Wild Geese (AI) S: CH. Amashutu Ancre
D: Bowbridge Zoraja Keesha
D: MBISS Macumazahn Pearl Jam S: BISS CH. Rijstone Disel N Dust
D: Macumazahn Class Action CD ET