RUBISS Aust Ch. Planhaven Hello Teddy

Teddy is the house pet at Planhaven following on from the 3 previous Teddys that he is related to. He is a well constructed sound boy with loads of personality. He has had a successful show career as well finishing his points for his Title with a Best in Group win while still in Junior Class. He also is the NSW Newfoundland Club Metropolitan Point Score Winner for Best Up & Coming Newf for 2008.

For further information contact:

Contact : Robyn Parkin (Member Details)

Phone : 0402318229 Robyn

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Pedigree for RUBISS Aust Ch. Planhaven Hello Teddy
Sire : Planhaven Edwin S: Aust Ch Brave Heart S: Aust Ch Ursula Indian Son of Dipper (IMP SWE)
D: Planhaven Crystal Bay
D: Planhaven Smarty Pants S: Aust Ch Planhaven Brand Nu Teddy
D: Aust CH Planhaven The Cutty Sark
Dam : Planhaven Screaming Mimi S: Shimo's One of a Kind(IM NOR) S: FNL CH. INT CH. NWY CH. Fairweather's Great Pretender(FIN)
D: Schimo's Fenja Akela (NOR)
D: Aust Ch Newsaint High Roller S: Aust Ch Waterbear Saint I Aint
D: Newsaint Black Onyx