Dual Champion (TS) Grand Ch. Abbiestar Caisse Depargne RA ET

Dual Champion (T) Abbiestar Caisee Depargne ET RA is titled in Conformation, Track and Search, Endurance Test and Rally Obedience Advanced. Bred by Michael and Sandra Stuart, Riviera is owned, trained and handled in all her disciplines by Jo Washington-King. We are very proud of Jo and Riviera who is the FIRST DUAL CHAMPION for Abbiestar.

For further information contact:

Contact : Michael & Sandra Stuart (Member Details)

Phone : +61407887553

Message: Send Message

Web : https://www.abbiestar.com

Pedigree for Dual Champion (TS) Grand Ch. Abbiestar Caisse Depargne RA ET
Sire : Can Ch Piroska Sunfire of Abbiestar CGC ET (imp. Can.) S: S:
D: S:
Dam : Aust Ch Abbiestar Mazel Tov S: S:
D: S: