Kangala Union Jack

Rupert is my first, long awaited 'Charlie'. He joins the Arynbeth Cavaliers and is adjusting well to being 'the odd man out'. He is a true Charlie, believing he is superior to all the others. With a lovely temperament, he is enjoying the show ring and shows a lot of promise. We hope to have a lot of fun together in the future. Thanks to Kerrie Cannon for allowing this beautiful boy to join the Arynbeth gang.

For further information contact:

Contact : Sharyn Frazer (Member Details)

Phone : 5463 2053

Message: Send Message

Pedigree for Kangala Union Jack
Sire : Ch Thomwood Super Trouper S: Ch Lanola Crown Imperial (Imp UK) S: Tudorhurst Trincadare (UK)
D: Lanola Gift of Love (UK)
D: Ch Thomwood Donatella S: Thomwood Caligula
D: Ch Pugking Mis Bliss
Dam : Ch Thomwood Lady Penelope S: Velbeauf Prinz Royale S: Velbeauf Red Rascal
D: NZ Ch Mouveau Carnival (Imp NZ)
D: Ch Thomwood Donatella S: Thomwood Caligula
D: Ch Pugking Miss Bliss