Bobrejaz Calender girl

This old girl is worthy of mention, she didn't grace the show ring nor did i end up breeding her, but she was the pup i kept of my 1st attempt at breeding (with guidence from another breeder).. The breeding & whelping went well & i kept Callie for future show/breeding prospects, i got into showing/breeding horses 6 months after she was born so she never got shown & didn't find a nice dog at the time to breed with. But she has kept my dream & love of Collies alive by always being by my side. Now she is 12 & a half with her back legs failing, but she is a strong willed & happy dog still & has taken to her walker easily. I now have Stormy (Hylinden Herecomesdstorm) to show but she is still my 1st breeding & one day i hope to breed again another girl/boy like her. Sadly my baby girl past away 31/3/12 She is very missed. Love you Callie.. ❤️🐾🌈

For further information contact:

Contact : Julie Burrows (Markcrow) (Member Details)

Email: Reveal Email

Pedigree for Bobrejaz Calender girl
Sire : Letchworth Kracker Jack S: CH. Scotlyn Charlie Boy (Imp NZ) S: Shielmont Travelwise
D: Bremkin Letita ( NZ)
D: Shielmont Star Show S: CH & NZ CH. Bremkim Braecliff (Imp NZ)
D: Nobleshand Calamity
Dam : Loragwy Night Music S: Connanbrae Clear Night S: CH. Fairloch Fire Flash
D: CH. Connanbrae Clear Dignity
D: Loragwy Fine Delight S: Connanbrae Clear Night
D: Letchworth Wind Song