OC & Ch Morkerbook Stormi Blitz ET ADM JDM HT

Blitz attained his Australian Champion title in 1999 as well as completing several Obedience titles including his Companion Dog Title (CD) and his Companion Dog Excellence Title (CDX). Also in that year he completed his Endurance Title (ET). Since then he has gone on to achieve his Jumpers Titles and his Agility Titles, topping it all off with his Obedience Championship. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about this dog and owner relationship is that his owner has achieved all of this at over 80 years of age!! Blitz and owner Ted have now moved into the Herding arena and are having a great time achieving titles there. Blitz now also has his Herding Test title. What a great achievement by the dog and handler!

For further information contact:

Contact : Nelda and Sharon Morris (Member Details)

Phone : 0427691796

Email: Reveal Email

Web : http://www.morkerbook.com

Pedigree for OC & Ch Morkerbook Stormi Blitz ET ADM JDM HT
Sire : Grand Ch Morkerbook Atoomi S: S:
D: S:
Dam : Ch Morkerbook Stormchild S: S:
D: S: