Serngold Bewitched

What a glorious girl Gypsy is she has the true Golden temperament and is a delight to us all. We are looking forward to her continued success in the show ring once she has recovered from her maternal duties.
Gypsy reminds me so much of her mum both in temperament and out line.

STOP the presses - Despite being out of coat Gypsy takes out second place at the prestigous Adelaide Royal 2012!!!

For further information contact:

Contact :
Lydia Sernecki (Member Details)
Phone :
0418 806 566
Reveal Email
Web :
Pedigree for Serngold Bewitched
Sire : Aust Gr Ch Goldtreve Camrose Kyva S: Aust Ch Standfast Dream Ticket From Kerrien S: Eng Sh Ch Crowood Butch Cassidy
D: Darrochonna Tzarini of Standfast
D: Aust Gr Ch Goldtreve Camrose Tess S: Eng Sh Ch Camrose Cabus Christopher
D: Aus Ch Montego Maple Syrup
Dam : Santamaria Blaze of Glory S: Aust Ch Lynika Bound for Glory S: Aust Ch Strathraer Nordic Star
D: Aust Ch Scanandamble Tucha Class
D: Aust Ch Santamaria StrenghtNhonor S: Aust Ch Strathraer Nordic Star
D: Aust Gr Ch Santamaria Anna Leise