Canadian & International Champion Montego Diamond Giselle

STOP PRESS; BELLA IS NOW A CANADIAN CHAMPION, SHE GAINED HER LAST POINTS WEEKEND OF 21/22 JANUARY 2012 - CONGRATULATIONS TO KERRI AND CHRISTINA Congratulations to Christina of Dreamkeeper Goldens (Canada) who has campaigned "Bella" to her International Championship Title. (Photo taken at 14 months) She is the 2nd Champion for her sire Sean and 1st Champion for mum Lacey. We are extremely proud of this stunning young girl and wish Christina all the best for her continued success. Bella is maturing into a gorgeous English type girl, The photo above is taken at 19 months of age shown winning 1st Place and Reserve Winners Bitch From her proud breeder here in Australia

For further information contact:

Contact : Rose Easton (Member Details)

Phone : 02 4777 4956

Email: Reveal Email

Web :

Pedigree for Canadian & International Champion Montego Diamond Giselle
Sire : Aust/NZ ch. Montego Pendragons Quest (Imp NZ) S: Aust Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (Imp UK) S: Eng. Ch. Xanthos Tom Foolery
D: Willowlawn The Gypsy Queen
D: Montego Primadonna S: Ch. Montego Phantom Opera
D: Ch. Montego Be My Valentine
Dam : Aust. Brackendell Diamond Lace S: Ch. Montego Mitey Classey ET CD S: Ch. Montego Phantom Opera
D: Ch. Goldtreve Camrose Belle (A.I)
D: Ch. Montego As You Dream S: Aust Grand Ch./NZ Ch. Yellowfetch As You Do
D: Ch. Montego Miranda CDX