MRUBISS Ch Isilwane State Of The Union

We finally have been able to put together Mojave (MBIS/BISS Am Ch/Aust Ch Camelot's Code Red ROM (Imp US), Leelu (BISS Gr Ch Camelot's The Fifth Element ET (Imp US) and Red (Rekaylahn Kwa Red to Ujamaa (Imp UK) together on a pedigree and Spencer and his sisters are the result. Spencer goes Baby of Breed and 2 x Baby Puppy in Group at his first 3 shows.

For further information contact:

Contact : Lisa Barrenger (Member Details)

Phone : 0427 483 820

Email: Reveal Email

Pedigree for MRUBISS Ch Isilwane State Of The Union
Sire : Ch Isilwane Powderfinger S: Rekaylahn Kwa Red to Ujamaa (Imp UK) S:
D: BISS Gr Ch Camelot's The Fifth Element (Imp US) S: Am Ch Camelot Dot Com JC
D: BIS Am Ch Camelot's Follow The Sun
Dam : RUBISS Ch Isilwane Casablanca S: MBIS/BISS Am Ch/Aust Ch Camelot's Code Red ROM S: MBIS/MBISS Am Ch Kimani's Blue Chip Image SC
D: BIS Am Ch Camelot's Follow The Sun
D: Ch Isilwane Luck Dragon ET S: Ch Groberspals Out O Africa
D: Ch Isilwane Gleaming Lass ET