Ch Raweke Bunty Bear

Bunty began her show career late at age 3 but she hit the ring with a bang winning multiple large Best of Breeds and being shortlisted for the Group on several occasions. She is well on the way to her title and is showing the world that smooths can do it too!

For further information contact:

Contact : Michelle Parker Brien (Member Details)

Message: Send Message

Pedigree for Ch Raweke Bunty Bear
Sire : Ch & NZ Ch Nouveau The Delinquent Imp NZ S: NZ Ch & NZ Ch Nouveau Demonium Imp NZ S: NZ Ch Moerangi Demoniac
D: NZ Ch & Ch Nouveau Dermonica Imp NZ
D: NZ Ch Mauiti Touch N Go S: NZ Ch Swintonpark Starburst
D: NZ Ch Mauiti Justaminute
Dam : Ch Raweke Pippylongstockins S: NZ Ch & Ch Raweke Hansel S: NZ Ch Beagriff Hot Shot
D: NZ Ch Raweke Gemima Puddleduck
D: Ravenspur Bo Peep S: Ch Beagriff Jack Flash
D: Moerangi Savannah Imp NZ