GRAND CH Berizza Pretty Vegas

Pretty little girl with plenty of attitude describes Miss Melody well. Mirror image of her illustrious sire Percy she turns heads with her typical sound gait, correct size and gorgeous head. She was multi In Show winner from very start and in capable hands of Megan (leading the No 1 IG team in North QLD)she made a debut with BRISBANE ROYAL Bitch CC and RUBOB! Not stopping there she was awarded many BIG/RUBIGs.
Melody retired with multiple Royal Best Of Breeds and All Breeds Runner-Up Best In Show

***Melody is #8 GRAND CH for Berizza *** and we are proud of her children carrying the legacy

For further information contact:

Contact : Anu K Lummevaara (Member Details)

Message: Send Message

Pedigree for GRAND CH Berizza Pretty Vegas
Sire : Aust Gr/Am Ch Windshift Hot Pursuit (Imp USA) S: S:
D: S:
Dam : Aust Ch Berizza Kissed By A Rose S: S:
D: S: