AUST. GRAND CH Beaucroft The Cadet

For further information contact:

Contact : Jill Pearson (Member Details)

Phone : 0408 455 307

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Pedigree for AUST. GRAND CH Beaucroft The Cadet
Sire : Camrose Ilex Layanda (IMP UK) S: Eng. Ch. Paudell Easter Plantagenet At Kerrien (U.K.) S: Sansue Castalian (U.K.)
D: Kerrien Calypso Of Paudell (U.K.)
D: Camrose Unatamsin With Shutan (U.K.) S: Eng. Sh. Ch. Camrose Tulfes Intirol (U.k.)
D: Camrose Natasha With Shutan (U.K.)
Dam : Aust. Ch. Beaucroft By Design S: NZ Ch. Heathermist Double Agent S: Aust. Ch. Ferngold Commodore
D: Aust. Ch. Glennessa Undercover Girl (Imp UK)
D: Aust Ch. Tweedwater Brengwain S: Aust. Ch. Heathermist Commander
D: Chantesuta Pippa