Cliveden Illustrious

Jo Jo is a handsome blenheim dog that has sired many litters of quality progeny.

For further information contact:

Contact : Brenda Durance (Member Details)

Phone : +61397173634

Email: Reveal Email

Pedigree for Cliveden Illustrious
Sire : Grand Ch Homberbrent Illustrate(ImpUK) S: Eng Ch Homerbrent Illusion (UK) S: FNLCh. INT Ch Homerbrent James Bond (UK)
D: ENG CH. Homerbrent Tradition( UK)
D: Homerbrent Cherelle (UK) S: Homerbrent Charlatan (UK)
D: Homerbrent Samba (UK)
Dam : Cliveden Minnie Me S: Cliveden Remington Steel S: Ch Cliveden Flash Harry
D: Ch Cliveden Julie Christie
D: Ch McKellen Johanne Zoe S: Ch Cliveden Flash Harry
D: Cliveden Hot Shot