Chilubullies Altans Love

Pinky is our sweet natured total ratbag of a pup. She got her name ‘Pinky Tuscadero’ for being super sweet, loving and cheeky, just like her namesake from Happy Days.

She’s forming up beautifully and when she’s a bit better trained for ramps (and to generally behave well, rather than getting over excited) she’ll be back in the show ring.

We are looking forward to meeting her first litter hopefully early 2025.

For further information contact:

Contact : Andrew Dalton (Member Details)

Phone : 0412585388 or 0425002993

Email: Reveal Email

Pedigree for Chilubullies Altans Love
Sire : Ch Pristiq Altan the Invincible S: S:
D: S:
Dam : Australite Lulu Chilu S: S:
D: S:

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