Aust Ch Seabear du Pech de la Guinestelle TDX (IMP FRA)

Tamlin had to go on the longest adventure all alone to go from his loving home & family with Breeder Natalie & husband Walther in France, to the strangeness of his forever home here in Australia at Longbourn.
He couldn't leave until all his health tests were complete and I know how hard it was for Natalie and Walther parting with this amazing boy, Thankyou, both of you, for putting yourselves through that for us.

He didn't waste a moment of his limited time in France, gaining his TAN (hunting) and entering the show ring in Europe with Natalie. He showed he could take it all in his stride long before arriving here.
So he made his debut at the Melbourne Royal without even breaking stride and gained 1st place in his class, great results for a young pup just out of quarantine .

His temperament is solving, gentle & confident a total package that speaks volumes for his great breeding and wonderful upbringing making him an eamazing ambassador for our rare breed but more importantly a wonderful member of our little family.

2022 not only saw Tamlin gain his Australian Champion title but he also stuck his nose to the ground to gain his first Tracking Dog title (TD)

2023 saw us kick back a bit into the homelife but Tamlin still gained a few more laps in the ring then expanded his roles and experiences becoming a father (thanks to Elle (Ch Longbourn Lady Galadriel) and her Mom June) to little Mary who he dotes on...

.....Tamlin is proving himself every bit the calm, confident and intelligent sporting Spaniel that reflects the centuries of dedicated breeding that has culminated into this loving boy.

For further information contact:

Contact :
Cheryl & Justin Webster (Member Details)
Phone :
0457 685151
Send Message
Web :
Pedigree for Aust Ch Seabear du Pech de la Guinestelle TDX (IMP FRA)
Sire : Saltmarshe Celebration S: US GCh Ch Avalyde Keeping Christmas S: US Ch Kendians Dharma Jewel
D: US Ch Nhaven Avalyde After Midnite
D: Saltmarshe Black Swan Shiraz S: US Ch, CA Ch Capriole's Mystic Chalice
D: Bitterblue's Yuletide Glow
Dam : FR CH, ES CH, CH CH, MC CH, C.I.E Hen Hudoliaeth Yn Siarad A Chi S: LT, JCh Canefields R U Fooling Me S: LU JCH,NL JCH, BE JCH, LX CH, BE CH, DE CH NL CH C.I.B Canefields Touch
D: DE JCH, BE JCH, DE CH, C.I.B Canefields Chatter
D: Ikikulta Tarina Tove S: Didilcom's Hen Hairicín Stoirme
D: C.I.B C.I.E., NO CH FI CH SE SCH NORD CH Ariel For Fortune-Favoured

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