Madkap Twinkle Little Star

For further information contact:

Contact : Janine Moy (Member Details)

Phone : 042 712 8009

Message: Send Message

Pedigree for Madkap Twinkle Little Star
Sire : Roseswain Keenan Clanan God (AI) S: Seowns Slicknick (IMP UK) S: Kedalita The Merry Tyler (UK)
D: Seowns Amber Rose (UK)
D: CH. Roseswain Mindil Sunset (AI) S: Roseswain Sola Flare
D: Solasdas Field O Charms
Dam : Slievemish Sugar N Spice S: Chepauryll Space Rogue S: CH. Millcroft Fly Over The Moon (IMP UK)
D: Chepauryll The Dreamtime
D: Roseswain Roisin Little Rose (AI) S: Seowns Biscuit (IMP UK)
D: Solasdas Field O Charmes

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