Bortique Into The Void

For further information contact:

Contact : Donna Freeman (Member Details)

Phone : 0427411466

Message: Send Message

Pedigree for Bortique Into The Void
Sire : clovelly Zane n sensible S: ch clovelly extreme rage S: ch evstafiy av fjascho(nor)
D: ch borscana vulpine vulgaris(imp swe)
D: svetlanov surprise attack S: grand ch clovelly rebel rouser
D: ch clovelly whisper n white
Dam : NZ ch ch wayleggo princess narnia(imp nz) S: clovelly wizard n white S: sup ch boscana Ultima Thule(imp swe)
D: ch clovelly patti paintspot
D: hundale lughnasadh magick(nzl) S: NZ ch clovelly show stopper
D: NZ ch Boscana wicced wicca(swe)

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