Ch Copperkee American Hustler

Vegas is available at stud to approved bitches.

Hips: 3:3
Elbows: 0:0

DNA profiled clear for all applicable tests eg. PRA, EIC, CT, DM, HNPK

Dominant chocolate (does not carry yellow)

For further information contact:

Contact : Ms Debbie & Miss Jamie-Lee Creagh (Member Details)

Phone : +61404496899

Message: Send Message

Web :

Pedigree for Ch Copperkee American Hustler
Sire : Ch Phenwick Mesmerising Sun S: Lacote Johnny's Pick S: AM CH CAN CH CN CH Chablais John Kaffe (CAN)
D: Croftsway Pick-a-Berry (IMP NZL)
D: Lacote Ginger Bread (AI) S: Can Ch Nipntuck Eagertrieves Mesmerize (USA)
D: Lacote Louisa Berry
Dam : Croftsway Flor De La Belleza (Imp NZL) S: Nz & Can Ch Eagertrieves Downtown Brown (IMP CAN) S: Can Ch Nipntuck Eagertrieves Mesmerize (USA)
D: Can Ch Eagertrieves Meant To Do That
D: Croftsway Zarita S: Croftsway Dance With me
D: Queijeiro Akumal (Imp Mexico)

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