Prefix : STONEBRIDGE (British Bulldog)
STONEBRIDGE KENNELS have been owned by British Bulldogs for nearly 45 years. I am extremely proud to say that I have been exhibiting pedigree dogs for nearly 50 years. Breeding, owning and showing British Bulldogs in New Zealand and Australia, incorporating NZ, Aus and English lines. I have owned Bullmastiffs for 8 years. and French Bulldogs for 20 years. I am dedicated to the preservation of the beautiful British Bulldog. Stonebridge Kennels have recently had the pleasure of introducing Beeman Abracadabra into our show team. Abbey aka �Potato� is a lovely boned well bodied girl who achieved her Aust Ch title with ease before she turned a year old. I am looking forward to an exciting future and hopefully a planned litter next year will result in some stunning babies. The Bulldog has always been a breed that requires complete dedication. Knowledge of the history of The Bulldog is very important in understanding why The Bulldog is the way he is. Although the Bulldog is not called upon to bait the Bull now, we must continue to breed to the Standard, while at the same time striving for a happy, healthy dog. How the Standard is interpretated is important. Particular attention should be paid to type, substance, movement and temperament. The General Appearance of the Bulldog is of great importance and the dog should convey an impression of determination, strength and activity. Dedicated DogsAust Specialist British Bulldog and Non Sporting Judge. Member Of DogsQld
Next Litter Planned: Unknown