Here are some listings you might be interested in
Dog Breeders
Location - Hobart, TAS
In 2018 Grausturm kennels imported the first Wirehaired Slovakian Pointer (also known as the Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer. Zora is from the Danibull kennels in Slovakia and her mother and sister are top winning Slovakians in that country. We selected these kennels because they were bred for both showing and working and provided the phenotype and genotype that we were seeking. Slovakian's are similar to a wire haired Weimaraner - Weimaraners are the foundation with a mix of rough coated breeds including the German wire haired pointers, Cesky Fousec (Bohemian Wire-Haired Pointing Griffon) and Pudel Pointers. Zora has been campaigned in Tasmania and Melbourne Royal. This is an opportunity of a life time and we are so happy to have this breed in our lives. They are extremely keen to work and please their owners. We have already had some great tracking results with this girl in practice. She is a strong retriever and loves the water.
Location - Bluewater, QLD
The Wirehaired Slovakian Pointer, aka Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer (SRHP), is an amalgamation of three breeds, the Czeskey Fousek, the Weimaraner and the German Wirehaired Pointer. Hunters wanted a dog that was biddable and did not range too far, with the emphasis for a particular aptitude for finding shot game, being reliable on a scent trail and retrieving. This lead to the development of the SRHP. The breed has a distinguished appearance, sturdily built but not cumbersome, with the body length exceeding height (Male 62-68cms (24.5 - 27 ins). Female 57-64cms (22.5 - 25 ins))and double coated. Base colour is grey of any shade, with or without contrasting grey patches. The gait is balanced and lively, ground covering, with good reach and drive. I have been involved with the 'Slovakians' for over 17 years beginning with Ansona Cleopatra - Asha, when living in the UK, who was the top Slovakian for three years. Asha produced a super litter with her son, Panoply Assured Gamble - Blue, winning at Championship Show level and the BBC filming Pippa and Blue at Crufts when the breed was first permitted entry in 2013. After emigrating to Australia, once the breed was recognised, I was fortunate enough to import another Slovakian, who is now Grand Champion Ansona into the Future (Imp UK) who was the top Slovakian for 2021 & 2022 with multiple Best in Group wins at Championship Show level. I hope to breed from Pippa in 2024
Location - Hills District, NSW
Wirehaired Slovakian Pointer (also known as the Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer). Griseus is the first to own, and show a WSP in Sydney NSW. We begin to campaign Boris on the east coast from March 2022. A bit about the breed: Weimaraners are the foundation with a mix of rough coated breeds. The Slovak rough-haired pointer is a breed that originated in interbreeding. The foundation is the Weimaraner, from which the Slovak rough-haired pointer takes its colour and basic character traits. By crossing the Weimaraner with wire-haired breeds, in particular the Bohemian wire-haired pointing griffon a breed was created of colour and traits similar to those of the Weimaraner, but with a rough coat. Until 1973, such dogs were entered into the Slovak Stud Book under the breed name Rough-haired Weimaraner. From 1973 onwards, they have been registered as an independent breed and recognised as a FCI breed.
Puppies for Sale
Location - Bluewater, QLD
One male and one female puppy available from this lovely litter of Slovakians. - see photos. The puppies have been fed predominantly Advance Puppy chicken and rice and Enduro Puppy complete with a mix of either beef mince, chicken mince, fish, goats milk or Di-vetelact milk. All having healthy appetites. They have been wormed with Milbemax since two weeks of age which also covers heartworm. The puppies have had their first two vaccinations now, and are ready for their new homes. They have lived in the house at night, enjoying playing loose, and watching television, and large runs during the day, and are accustomed to horses, large dogs (Pointers) and an array of people and children and all unphased by the recent storm activity, plus living rurally have also heard guns, had ride on mowers drive past, and seen the neighbour's cattle. Both parents hip scored and below the mean for the breed.
- Breeder shows dogs This breeder shows dogs (not necessarily this breed) as evidenced by submitting show results to our site.
Last Updated - 23-Jan-2025
View Full ListingLast Updated - 23-Jan-2025