Here are some listings you might be interested in
Dog Breeders
Location - Lowood (1 hr west of Brisbane), QLD
OLIZURE Kerry Blue Terriers - Home of Multi Best In Show winning Kerry Blue Terriers and cherished family members since 1992. Our Kerrys are selectively bred for health, temperament and exceptional quality, but most of all, wonderful family members that make their families proud. We health test our Kerrys and regularly introduce new bloodlines in order to keep our gene-pool strong. We test all our Kerrys for vWd1, FXI, DM & CMSD/PNA to ensure the health of all our Kerrys and future progeny produced. Kerrys have been a part of our lives for over 30 years and they are our true heart-breed. We only breed and own Kerry Blue Terriers as they are our passion and we are happy to chat to possible new owners as to the suitability of this breed to your home as while Kerrys are a fantastic breed and we are biased, they are not suitable for all homes. Feel free to visit our website for more details about our Kerrys and future planned litters. Contact either by phone or email - 0419 023 950 or [email protected] A Kerry Chat is always welcome and puppies are sometimes available to responsible homes only. Show prospective puppies will be considered to the right homes on contract and we love to support new owners of this breed.
Location - Launceston, TAS
TASSHOT, Tasmania's number one Kerry Blue Terriers Home of Supreme Ch Shado-Lans El Bandito Supreme Ch Tasshot Crazy Love CH Tasshot Dizzy Miss Lizzy Ch Tasshot Cracklin Rosie CH Malokki Airs N Graces We have owned and exhibit this wonderful breed for 12 years. We specialize with this breed and not multiple breeds. Our dogs live with us in our busy home, raised on a small semi rural property with a couple of sheep, chickens and a bossy cat. Our dogs are DNA tested and have proven to be healthy good temperament family members. I have pups living in retirement villages, condominiums, apartments, farms, with families, other pets and other dogs. All well adjusted and social Kerry Blues. If you are interested in becoming a owner of a beautiful Kerry Blue Terrier please don't hesitate to make contact. Contact for further details or just a Kerry chat! Debbie 0407 944 622
Location - Auckland, NZ
Own and exhibited Kerry blue terriers since 1990. All our dogs are DNA tested before breeding and have a great correct temperament. Our dogs and puppies always live inside with us as family members. Some puppies with show potential could be available for the right home only.
Puppies for Sale
Location - Gisborne, VIC
Puppies born on the 3/12/2024 of a litter of 14, now have five looking for loving homes. They have been lovingly socialized in a home environment, getting plenty of interaction and exposure to daily life to help them grow into confident, well-adjusted companions. Puppies will be available then they are 12 weeks old to help them socialize with each other. Best enquires by calling Eve 048 479197.
Microchip Numbers : 956000016336328 956000016175111 956000016184357 956000016330558 956000016163366
Last Updated - 21-Jan-2025
View Full ListingLast Updated - 21-Jan-2025