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Breed: German Shepherd Dog

Sex: female

Age: 5 years

Location: Macksville, Nambucca Valley NSW

    MOREKOS German Shepherd Dog Old Dogs

    Breed: German Shepherd Dog

    Sex: female

    Age: 5 years

    Location: Macksville, Nambucca Valley NSW

    Morekos have a 5 year old, sable, female, working German Shepherd for sale. Imported and Police dog bloodlines. Shutzshep Ghita JC. WPD. Ghita has been desexed with an elective gastropexy (Will not bloat). She has excellent Hip/Elbow scores and a clear Orivet DNA Breed profile. Up to date, vaccinations, flea/tick prevention, heartworm and intestinal worm treatment. Obedient and well manned around the home, toilet trained and understands sit, drop, stay, recall and a few tricks. She is sports titled but can go to a home with or without plans to do sports. She travels well and is great environmentally. She is a natural watch dog, provided she is part of the family. Has a high food and play drive but remains easy to live with when provided a daily walk and game of fetch, she will happily snuggle and watch TV after. Preference would be to an only dog household, too much prey drive to live with other animals and she is selective about the dogs she assosicates with but would be ok with a large friendly male dog as company provided they are introduced through a meet and greet session here. If interested please get in touch via email and provide a little about the home on offer as first point of contact. Reasonably priced for her level of training and pedigree: $2500. Will consider placement for security work, as a dog and handler team, not for yard work - D class Lic and references required for work applicants.

    Included With This Dog

    • Registration Papers
    • Vaccinations
    • Vet Checks
    • Health Records
    • Deworming
    • Early Socialisation
    Breeder's Notes

    Excellent toilet training Obedient, sit, drop, stay, shake, beg, recall. (owner is a professional dog trainer)

    Getting Your Dog Home

    The following are the breeder's preferred methods of transporting your new dog home.

    • pickup
      Pick up

      Visit breeder in person to pickup your puppy


    1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation
    Sire : Shutzshep Aeries S: Sasko Von Der Wilden Nachbarschaft AD. BH. IPO1 (IMP DEU S: Xander Von Weinbergblick IPO3. SchH3. (DEU)
    D: Jona Vom Haus Pixner SchH3 (DEU)
    D: Hiperion Annyah S: Nivo Vom Lubarser Schlosschen TR1. BH. AD. (Imp DEU)
    D: Jasada Angel - Police Dog
    Dam : Stella Spod Mazlova SVV1. IGP1. (IMP SVK) S: Asko Kedul Hof IPO3. (CZE) S: Xanto Von Weinbergblick SchH3, (DEU)
    D: Meggi vom Der Germanenquelle IPO3. SchH3. (DEU)
    D: Nella Spod Mazlova SVV1 (SVK) S: Drago Equidius IPO3, SchH3. (SCK)
    D: Frensy Pod Ostrym Vrchom IPO3. (SVK)
    About The Breeder


    About This Breeder

    Federal Government Dog Handler, Qualified dog Trainer (TAFE NSW SOADT), Qualified Vet Nurse (TAFE NSW Cert IV Vet nurse), Qualified Security Dog Handler (Certificate III Security operations and management). I actively compete in competition obedience with my dogs as well as offering detector dog services and dogs for film and media work.

    Name: Michelle
    Location: Macksville, Nambucca Valley NSW
    Phone: +61411791808

    Approved Breeder

    Every breeder on Dogz Online has been screened and verified that they are registered Dogs Australia Breeders

    Document Verified

    Registration Verified

    Registration Number: 2100058170

    My breeder status can be verified via the Dogs NSW website .

    Dogz Online Member Since: 2010

    Clubs: GSDL NSW, DogsNSW, Hills District dog club

    Past Litters

    Images featuring puppies from past litters bred by this breeder.

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