Cruze is now retired and loving life as a pet!
Cruze is from the well known Cabot, Can GR Ch & Am GR Ch Waifin's Fly Cabot to Torngat. Cabot sired last years Potomac winners dog and was grand sire of the winners bitch. He is a 3/4 brother to our lovely BISS Ch. Cladaghring Flyn over Torngat and is out of our Candy.
Cruze by name and 'cruizie' by nature!
HIPS 3 : 5 / ELBOWS 0 : 0
PRCD: Clear / EIC: Clear / HNPK: Clear / CNM: Clear / DM: Clear / LCG: Clear
Colour: Yellow carrying black only
In 2018...
4th place - Minor Puppy Dog
10th Labrador Retriever National Championship Show
Judge: Mr Arwyn Ellis ( Dolwen Labradors - UK )
"Good headed yellow with kind eye and expression. Very attentive to handler, well constructed all
through. Carrying no excess weight, well muscled behind, moved well."
In 2017...
2nd place - Minor Puppy Dog
Labrador Retriever Club of NSW Inc. - Championship Show 1
Judge: Mr Kjell Svensson ( Seacrest Goldens - Sweden )
"Yellow dog, bit longer in loin. Well balanced head, pleasing expression, well set neck into good shoulders, nice topline, needs more spring of ribs, well angulated hindquarters which could be stronger, good bone, not in best coat today, moves with good drive behind."
1st place - Minor Puppy Dog & OPPOSITE MINOR PUPPY IN SHOW
Labrador Retriever Club of NSW Inc. - Championship Show 2
Judge: Mr Chris Mills ( Lembas Labradors - UK )
"Nice yellow dog of 9 months. Well made throughout, kind head and expression, lovely eye colour and pigment, liked his coat texture and the way he moved out holding a good topline for such a young dog."
2nd place - Minor Puppy Dog
Labrador Retriever Club of VIC Inc. - Championship
Judge: Mrs Kirsi Luomanen ( Tweedledum - UK )
"A 7 month old yellow with good proportions, good head and expression, enough bone for his age, moved well."