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Contact : Sue Wilson

Location : Glen Iris, Stonnington VIC

Apply: Send Puppy Application

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Web : https://oz.dogs.net.au/trumpsairedales/

I have been involved in breeding and showing terriers all my life, beginning with wire fox terriers as a child and graduating to the wonderful Airedale Terrier as an adult. I have been active in the breed, both showing and as a member of the breed club for close to 40 years. Sharing knowledge and love of the breed as a companion/home pet is a passion. My now adult children grew up having Airedales in their life so I have a solid understanding of the value of a family dog and how they enrich our lives. I remain someone passionate about the breed and continue to assist Airedale Terrier owners who just want to share their joy or need some expert advice.
I breed for quality not quantity.

Next Litter Planned: Unknown

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