Member Profile

Name: Kim Razu

Town: Hampton Park, VIC

Phone: 0400904461


Email: Reveal Email

Clubs : DogsVictoria

Every Dogz Online puppy gets 1 month free pet insurance with FETCH

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The first-month free offer is valid for first-time customers and can't be combined with other offers. Offer will be automatically applied at checkout when using the email link. This communication provides general information, not financial advice. Review the PDS and TMD to make sure this product is right for you and your pet. Offer subject to withdrawal at any point. We will get a referral commission at no extra cost to you. Queries? Email [email protected]

Breeder Listings

Prefix : REDBUDDIES (Poodle (Toy))

Our dogs have exceptional train-ability, intelligent temperaments and genetically tested clear of hereditary problems. Anyone coming along to see our Toy Poodles will see that they live a life of Luxury.

Next Litter Planned: Unknown