Show Dog of the Year 2023
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Top 50 Leaderboard - Utility Group - Northern Territory
Points are based on selected Group and In Show wins from any Championship show throughout Australia.
Points awarded are based on the number of entries in the Group or Show.
LEADER - Utility Group - Northern Territory
Aust Ch Emzacily Explosives Technician
(Sarah Gordon)
Top 50 Leaderboard - Utility Group - Northern Territory
No. 1
- Rottweiler
Aust Ch Emzacily Explosives Technician (Sarah Gordon) (510)
No. 2
- Dobermann
Aust Ch Ayces All Th Stars N The Sky (S Irlam & M Watt) (97)
No. 3
- Rottweiler
Chevy Haus of Rza (Imp USA) (S Gordon) (42)
No. 4
- Rottweiler
Aust Ch Emzacily Everyonesravenboucher (Sarah Gordon) (12)
No. 5
- Rottweiler
Panthyon Persephone (Scott Gibson) (3) - Rottweiler
Fantastikrot Just Do It (Scott Gibson) (3)
No. 6
- Dobermann
Aust Ch Valkyrian Winter Brook (Mrs M Doyle) (2)