Results for Breed Challenge 2023

Dog Name : Bristolian Iron Shelby
Breed : Airedale Terrier
Owned by : M & D Land
Competition State : NT

Points tally based on top 40 shows (points value)
National Points : 78 (Includes 13 Best of Breed wins from Top 40)
State Points : 78 (Includes 13 Best of Breed wins from Top 40)

Date Show Name Result Points Top 40
Top 40
4-Feb-2023 Darwin Ladies Kennel Club (NT) Best of Breed 6 Y Y
18-Mar-2023 Canine Expo (Show 1) (NT) Best of Breed 6 Y Y
18-Mar-2023 Canine Expo (Show 2) (NT) Best of Breed 6 Y Y
1-Apr-2023 Darwin Ladies Kennel Club (Show 1) (NT) Best of Breed 6 Y Y
1-Apr-2023 Darwin Ladies Kennel Club (Show 2) (NT) Best of Breed 6 Y Y
15-Apr-2023 Show Dog Handlers Club (NT) Best of Breed 6 Y Y
29-Apr-2023 Canine Expo (Show 2) (NT) Best of Breed 6 Y Y
29-Apr-2023 Canine Expo (Show 1) (NT) Best of Breed 6 Y Y
13-May-2023 Darwin Ladies Kennel Club (Show 1) (NT) Best of Breed 6 Y Y
13-May-2023 Darwin Ladies Kennel Club (Show 2) (NT) Best of Breed 6 Y Y
27-May-2023 Darwin Ladies Kennel Club (Show 2) (NT) Best of Breed 6 Y Y
27-May-2023 Darwin Ladies Kennel Club (Show 1) (NT) Best of Breed 6 Y Y
19-Aug-2023 Darwin Ladies Kennel Club (Show 1) (NT) Best of Breed 6 Y Y
Pointscore totals based on top 40 shows (points value) 78 78