Non-Sporting Dog Club of Victoria Inc (VIC)
Date of Show : 30-Jul-2017 (Sunday)
Open Show
The following show results have been submitted to our results system for the above show. It is FREE to submit results.
General Specials
Specials Judge: Mrs Lyn King (VIC)
Barjarz Zip Your Lip (Vicki Scott)
Minor in Show: Keeshond
Hunkeedori My Ol Buuuuddddyyyyy (Ms K Santas & Miss H Whincup)
Best Neuter in Show & Open Neuter in Show: German Spitz (Mittel)
Aust Ch Nueboree Teddington Rose (Di Armstrong & Chris Geary)
Boston Terrier
BOB, Best Dog & Aust Bred of Breed: Aust Ch Baronrath All In A Nutshell (Ms L King)
R/UP BOB, Best Bitch & Junior of Breed: Aust Ch Baronrath Made To Measure (Ms L King)
Chow Chow
Reserve Dog & Puppy of Breed: Empireofchow Element (Vicki Robertson)
French Bulldog
BOB, Best Bitch & Puppy of Breed: Barjarz Zip Your Lip (Vicki Scott)
R/UP BOB, Best Dog & Intermediate of Breed: Aust Ch Barjarz About Time (Vicki Scott)
Minor of Breed: Bullecourt Au Champ D Honneur (Angela McInnes)
German Spitz (Mittel)
Neuter BOB, Neuter Bitch & Open Neuter of Breed: Aust Ch Nueboree Teddington Rose (Di Armstrong & Chris Geary)
BOB, Best Dog & Minor of Breed: Hunkeedori My Ol Buuuuddddyyyyy (Ms K Santas & Miss H Whincup)
Reserve Bitch & Minor of Breed: Aust Ch Hapipet Imperial Design (Hapipet Kennels)
Aust Bred of Breed: Aust Ch Hapipet Limited Edition (Hapipet Kennels)
Tibetan Terrier
BOB, Best Bitch & Puppy of Breed: Caerlaverock Gon-Po Pema (Imp NZ) (Mr R & Mrs V Bennetts)
Baby of Breed: Caerlaverock Iva-Vision (Imp NZ) (R & Mrs V Bennetts)
Xoloitzcuintle (Standard)
Baby of Breed: Wazzat Fumar (L Lancaster & J Dinis)