RISS NZ Ch Quest Yggdrazil at Boromir ROM (Imp Nwy)

To read more about Brie, please visit our website (clickable link below) and choose 'The Bitches' option from 'Our Dogs' page. Then choose her profile from the girls featured on that page.

For further information contact:

Contact : Heidi & Deane Holland (Member Details)

Phone : 64 7 863 6827

Email: Reveal Email

Web : http://www.bullterrier.co.nz

Pedigree for RISS NZ Ch Quest Yggdrazil at Boromir ROM (Imp Nwy)
Sire : Ch Quest Giancana S: Aricon Sly Eyes S: Eng Ch Aricon one in the eye
D: Dutchess of Dunkirk at Aricon
D: Ch Ghabar Treasure S: Eng Ch Ghabar the Admiral
D: Ghabar Liberty
Dam : Ch Quest Silmarillion Sue S: Am Ch Silmaril Snowbird S: Cobra Shooting Star
D: Am Ch Always Esme
D: Ch Questquizzqueen S: Am Ch Hejano Grandee Curare
D: Ch Ghabar Treasure