Grand Ch Bekmar Billy Idol ROM

Grand Ch: Bekmar Billy Idol ROM

VALE - Sadly Billy passed away recently (2000 - 2009)

Billyis a Mulitple Best Exhibit in Show at All Breeds Championship and Specialty Shows

Billy is renowned for his clown like, friendly temperament; he portrays himself as the perfect gentleman in the show ring. Weighing 40kgs in his specialty condition he is a powerful upstanding boy with a perfect scissor bite, correct canines and moves like the wind.
Billy’s show career has been outstanding both at Specialty Shows and the all breeds arena, with over 1400 CC points and 50 rom points(7 required for his rom title), he has won under breed specialists from Australia, South Africa, USA and UK

Ormandy Box Winner - 14th Biennial Trophy Show - 2005
10 Specialty Best in Shows - 2001 - 2005
3 R/U Specialty Best In Shows – 2001 - 2002
1 National Best in Show - 2004
2 All breeds Best Exhibit in Show (1000 entries) - 2002 - 2003
Best in Terrier Group
Group 1st Adelaide Royal Show - 2004
14 Best Exhibit in Groups (Group 1sts) - 2001 - 2005

For further information contact:

Contact : Kerry King (Member Details)

Phone : +61400417033

Email: Reveal Email

Web :

Pedigree for Grand Ch Bekmar Billy Idol ROM
Sire : Dimeka The Undertaker rom S: S:
D: S:
Dam : Ch Bekmar Carly Simon S: S:
D: S: