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Contact : Derek Koina & Corina

Location : Yass, Yass Valley NSW

Phone : +61410508230

Apply: Send Puppy Application

Email: Reveal Email

Web : https://koikey.wordpress.com/

Our early beginnings began in the show ring with a Papillon called Jasmine (Champion Mookarma Femme Fatale), who is actually a Phalene. We met with Rick and Sue of Kalkite Papillons who helped and encouraged us to continue with Phalenes.
Sue gifted us a beautiful Phalene bitch called Stephanie, (Kalkite Princess Stephanie) for which we will be eternally grateful for their generosity. Steffi is doing really well in the show ring. Recently Steffi won RUBOB (10pts) at Royal Canberra TOY Group show (S) 2021, judged by Mrs Anne Sorraghan (VIC). At The Royal Canberra Show on the same day Steffi won RUBOB (11pts) judged by Ms Frances Darling (QLD).

Next Litter Planned: Unknown

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