St Bernard Puppies for Sale, NSW

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Breeder Shows Dogs

1 Month Free Pet Insurance

Cover for St Bernard puppies ranges from: $65.77/mo ~ $106.69/mo*

Quote by Fetch in Nov 2023 for 80% cover $100 excess plan for an 8 week old St Bernard. See PDS, TMD and T&C's
The first-month free offer is valid for first-time customers and can't be combined with other offers. Offer will be automatically applied at checkout when using the email link. This communication provides general information, not financial advice. Review the PDS and TMD to make sure this product is right for you and your pet. Offer subject to withdrawal at any point. We will get a referral commission at no extra cost to you. Queries? Email [email protected]

Here are some listings you might be interested in

Dog Breeders

Location - Taree, NSW

Location - Grafton, NSW

We are a small, establishing Kennel on the North Coast of NSW. Our dogs are a big part of our family and love everyone's company. They enjoy car rides, walks and swimming in the dam. I am a vet nurse and have owned many Saint Bernard's and large breed dogs over the years. The health and well-being of our dogs is most important. Our Saints are DNA profiled and are hip & elbow scored. All puppies will be vet checked, vaccinated and microchipped.

Location - Murrumbateman, NSW

Robbie short listed sydney royal puppy in group. Australian champion 10 months of age. Best in Group winner age 11 months

Stud Dogs Available

Location - A, NSW

We have semen available from both rough and smooth males. Hip scores are available. These saints all have amazing confirmation with amazing temperaments. We have only ever bred from quality saints. Reasonably priced. Semen can be shipped anywhere in Australia and to many countries. We have previously exported to numerous countries. For further enquires please email.

Stud Dogs Available

Location - Bathurst, NSW

Sound St.Bernards for show, obedience and pets. Our dogs are conformation Champions and perform well in Obedience. They make wonderful, devoted pets. We have worked hard over 24 years to improve hips and elbows in our dogs. In our last generation our cut off for total hipscore in breeding stock was 10 with 00 elbows. We have just reduced that to 5 since we have the choice of 3 dogs and 4 bitches with total hipscores under 5 in our last generation. Goliath has won Runner up Best in Group in all breeds show and best opposit in the Specialty. He has a total hipscore of 4 with 00 elbows. He truly is a gentle and loving giant, loving people and dogs. His son ChHeiligerNandi has also won a runnerup best in group iand has 00 elbows and 02 hips. For puppies or mature dogs contact Elisabeth Remme on 0263595253 or Dion on 0411122048 26.7.2017 Nandi has also won a Runner up Best in Group and has even better hips and elbows than his sire Goliath.. We now have puppies available with 8 generations of sound hip and elbow scores. We have worked hard to achieve perfect conformation and temperaments.

Puppies for Sale

Puppies Available

Location - Brisbane, QLD

Expressions of interest for litter expected in the new year. Parents hipscored and elbowgraded. Puppies will be wormed fortnightly, vaccinated, vetchecked, microchipped and DNA parentage. Royal Canin Puppy Pack including free bag of food, bowl, scent blanket and up to 2 x 40% off discount vouchers for you to sign up to. Complimentary no obligation 4 week pet insurance purchaser signs up to Email [email protected] call or text 0418 152 289 about bringing at St Bernard into your life.

  • Breeder shows dogs This breeder shows dogs (not necessarily this breed) as evidenced by submitting show results to our site.

Last Updated - 2-Dec-2024

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Last Updated - 2-Dec-2024