Ch. Neut Ch. Neut. Grand. Ch. Ozdezign Pirate of the Sea

For further information contact:

Contact : Kerry Evans (Member Details)

Phone : 0408417656

Message: Send Message

Pedigree for Ch. Neut Ch. Neut. Grand. Ch. Ozdezign Pirate of the Sea
Sire : Alhambra Ricky Wilson S: Ch. Shipden Yass (Imp UK) S: Kulaphul Romancer
D: Shipden Mood Indigo
D: Alhambra Amanda Holden S: Ch. Nobhill Walk on Top At Melverly (Imp UK)
D: Ch. Alhambra Lily Savage
Dam : Ch. Ozdezign Hell Yeah S: Ch. Ozdezign Storm Edition S: Ch. Kaetamy Golden Shadow
D: Ch. Fraelighte Frivolity
D: Ch. Ozdezign Hells Bells S: Ch. Burchfield Nordic Ice
D: Ch. Neut.Ch. Ozdezign Thunder Rox Oz

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