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Contact : Alan Paxton

Location : Teesdale, Golden Plains VIC

Phone : 0437815006

Apply: Send Puppy Application

Email: Reveal Email

We got our first Samoyed in 1978 just after I saw a Sammy for the first time, first as pets, then we started to show and breed, but always they are our pets or more to the point, part of our family.

It is very rare to see me in a car without a Sammy with me, I have one as a companion pretty much everywhere I go.

We aim to breed our Samoyeds to the English standard, coats and heads are very important to us, a Sammy must firstly look like a Sammy.
Our puppies are brought up inside our house so they are part of the family from the day they open their eyes.
Our Sammies are house dogs, part of the family.

We find we do not have to spend much time at all to keep our dogs coats in top condition, even though we live on a rural property.

Showing is hard for us these days with business commitments but aim to get the babies out to socialize them when we can.

Next Litter Planned: Unknown

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